HI!! I am sick and tired of getting "Logged" out during A/S Matches. When I log back in, it's as if I was NEVER playing a match. I don't get sent back to the lobby because the game acts as if I was NEVER in a match!
What is going on here? I will say that this only happens during A/S games. Never have I been looged out during a Match Play round. Never have I been logged off during a stroke round!
Kinda odd that it effects me when I'm playing with 3 other people and thus, 4 golf balls but not when I am playing by myself! So odd!
What heck gives? I spend a ton of money with you guys and not only am I getting shafted but now it's to the point that I am concerned about it effecting members of my club. They are also getting "taxed" here because of an obvious flaw in your product.
I posted about this crap (and oh, it's crap!!) two weeks ago and not a peep was heard from you all. Crickets! Search your records, it's there. Many other players (none of which were from my club, mind you) also posted in that very thread stating that they had had similar issues with getting logged out. Post
Get me a response please. I'm not hard to fine.
Oh, and you all need a "My Country Club" button right next to the "My Profile" button on the top of the WGT page. It would make our lives a lot easier.