QUOTE, "hole in one winners", and so I prerequisite the below by assuming we will only be talking HIO challenge.
Can't get the Par 3 Stats out the already paltry stats offering, but a chance to highlight a (cough), "winning" HIO challenge and fanfare time! Brings nothing to the table IMO!
In the unlikely event I ever mistakingly take a HIO challenge with the odds offered I would prefer to not have my stupidity advertised! No chance of any one working on that bit more than getting the par 3 stats debacle sorted any time soon.................My shout, and no disrespect to the people who took up the, IMO, so called challenge, that's their shout!
IRL quickly looking quicky
the following rang a bell:
low handicap player to have 5,000 to one odds, while an average handicap player
had 12,000 to one odds."
How many HIOs at Meriion short 1 IRL last what 38 years? - best in world trying:)
I wonder how all those odds translate to here? That's before you look at the potential return! As said in my opening preamble though I am assuming this is about HIO challenge only. Should there be no mention of dollars, and all saved HIOs in the box, no distinction's my gripes are null and void. In fact I had a hole in one a few days ago, happily with the challenge firmly off, and will be happy to enthuse about my "experience". I welcome clarity from Shoe on the point!
In fairness to the OP trying sound up beat about this nonsense (if my assumption's correct) can't be a long straw task, even if it is virtually!