I have tried them all ( with the exception of the Versa). I have to agree that it's dependent upon the person holding the putter more so than the putter itself. If you sink a few in a round then your confidence grows in it.
I am currently using the Max master purely because of the increments ( 10,20,30 and 40 to begin with which really make putting from close range easier to assess on the bar).
I use both the cursor/ding and miss ding/ push or pull method of putting and I found that I had more consistency with the Nike method when I was deliberately missing dings to make putts but that could have been psychosomatic more so than backed up with physical evidence.
I know it doesn't clear up much but I suggest whatever you go with, you learn it for a long period, persist with it because eventually it's nuances will sink in and you'll be using it with increasing confidence