Read that another Legend leaves the field is always depressing.
Ryan, we never played together but we joined in the exact same time, I won a quarter of what you've won despite playing 5 times more than you. You are definitely a great player and would be a shame to leave. Thinkin' about it.
The lesson that should give WGT in these cases would be to behave like a real company that cares about its customers (even if it is an online game), especially for those who have still proved faithful and constant.
These are the people who can help WGT creating real competitive platform and especially to avoid the presence of cheaters, multi accounters and sandbaggers.
Good luck with the hope of a rethought. Steven said it right: it's frustrating but WGT still be the best online golf game ever. Find a group of members with whom you can play without having to feel uncomfortable with what bothers you every day and you'll see that WGT will keep be a great distraction.