Two opinions:
when a game is not completed for whatever reason the stats and other relative info are not recorded or saved.
MBaggese:Bottom line, if you win a MP ranked game
against a higher tiered player, you average will go down...wether you
win out right, by disconnect or long as it's a
I don't know the correct answer because of WGT's (justified) secrecy in it. Alas, PJ's statement fits well to AK's observation and former notice in a thread about "stuck at 62 ave.".
If so, the legitimate forfeit of the match might lead to two consequences (conjecturing):
- the demeanour in accordance with the rules might count against the completion %%,
- the win might not be counted as a win, probably only with regard of the average.
Note: That "62" guy had a few wins against Legends in his activity log.