I agree with you, Paul.
What about the etiquette of the game? By tiering your friends up early it not only disadvantages them, but questions your integrity. Just because it can be done doesn't make it right. Where does it stop? Would you gift a Legend if he threw the match for you? It does affect all of us. If we all did it, the Legend ranks would overflow and the standard would drop.
Why would you want to tier up early? What about the journey, it's far more enjoyable than the destination. People seem to think the grass is always greener. I've recently become a Legend, not through playing a lot of matchplays, but playing lots of stroke games. I played a few matches, but not to tier up, just for the fun of it.
Now I'm a Legend, I don't see what all the fuss is about. It's hard work, I'm really struggling. If I could go back I would. Just enjoy the journey.