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WGT Nation Match Play Tournament 32 players needed

Mon, Jul 8 2013 8:09 PM (299 replies)
  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Fri, Jun 21 2013 7:30 PM

    Russ took me 1-up...I had trouble on #2...and then Russ holed out for eagle on the par 5..I made a small move back...but pars on 9 sealed the deal.


    Good game Russ, best of luck moving on!


  • ColumbusStorm
    3,418 Posts
    Fri, Jun 21 2013 7:41 PM

    Scorecard for MBaggese and ColumbusStorm 1st round match


    Thank you Mike.  Making that eagle from 70 yards on No.4 was the difference in the match. We both had a little trouble with distance and accuracy with those starter putters. 

    Fun playing, look for me again sometime.

  • RKPayne
    213 Posts
    Fri, Jun 21 2013 8:12 PM

    ANT11111 and I finished our match tonight...I barely squeaked out a win 1-up. Mostly came down to putting. He missed a couple and I made a couple. Hardly remembered what starter gear was like. Much fun!!



  • FlaTexBoy
    120 Posts
    Fri, Jun 21 2013 8:28 PM

    Just finished my match against drmoose, with a win of 4 up.  Regardless of the score, I met a WGT Friend and a gentleman....thanks for the match Doc. 


  • drmoose
    3,547 Posts
    Fri, Jun 21 2013 9:24 PM

    My match is over with Flatexboy who graciously accepted a win, congrats. Great fun, "I will be back ".


  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 1:15 AM

    I have played several starter clubs and Uneven lies tourney , and without question the guys that participate are top notch.

    I hope we all remain friends in the future.

    To name but a few, Columbus, Wesdogg, Mnshiner, Corwyn, hanswurst, Sebicu, Cerino, and many others.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 5:55 AM


    It took me longer to change over to the starters than it did to lose to RickHacker.


    Even more funny now...Just did the change over for a bit of practice and it took me 10+ clicks to find the 'rocks'.

    Didn't know I had so many different balls and colours !! Not changed them for 6+ months...

    Red, green, blue , white , black, pink, champagne bubbles, hearts etc etc....

    Edit: +1 for round..That 3w and putter are awful, just shoots left o right if ya miss ding by a mm......should be fun.:)


  • chop948
    378 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 9:57 AM

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Great match by Andy..was a great pleasure to hit with him..we shared a load of laughs and maybe a few curses lol..awesome play bud..hope to hit with you in the future...Andy wins 3 up

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 9:58 AM

    Had a good match..Lucky pitch in on #1 for save B...and a few other holes could have gone either way...2 holes I know Brock had the line but the Std greens didn't help :)

    Chop is a gent and hope to keep him on friend list.

    3 and 2 ...Andy

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Sun, Jun 23 2013 9:13 PM

    fmagnets and I just finished our much-delayed match. Thank you so much for your incredible flexibility fm. With our 8 hour time difference, and school holidays in effect, it was a challenge to connect.

    fm pulled a near all-nighter in order to play at his 3:30am (ouch!), but still managed to shoot a tough game... and dealt with a couple of frustrating disconnect issues as this weekend's oddities surfaced in me being unable to choose any Menu option without freezing my screen.

    Eventually, we saw it through, with me coming out on top with a very narrow 2 & 1 win (in a probable -1). A sweet full backspin 3 iron to 3.6 ft on #6 for birdie was the key moment, but we both pulled out fabulous pars on #7 (with the 'tough' pin). I was lucky to escape with a half in bogey on #5 after finding a deep rough 60-70 lie in the first set of bunkers off the tee. Poor fm found that starter putter very hard to ding: in fact, we both missed makeable short ones with it.

    Note: scorecard below lies slightly: first 2 holes were conceded back and forth after the disconnect, but in reality had been halved before.

    P.S. I am just loving the challenge of playing with starters on these courses! Thank you so much Shoe, for responding to the request for a level-playing-field tourney, and for putting all this together.

    P.P.S.  Any chance you might publish Round conditions for all remaining rounds ahead? That way, given that we all know how the brackets progress, if players have gotten through, they can go ahead and play as soon as they like. This could be especially helpful given that it's summer, and people are likely to be taking trips.