fmagnets and I just finished our much-delayed match. Thank you so much for your incredible flexibility fm. With our 8 hour time difference, and school holidays in effect, it was a challenge to connect.
fm pulled a near all-nighter in order to play at his 3:30am (ouch!), but still managed to shoot a tough game... and dealt with a couple of frustrating disconnect issues as this weekend's oddities surfaced in me being unable to choose any Menu option without freezing my screen.
Eventually, we saw it through, with me coming out on top with a very narrow 2 & 1 win (in a probable -1). A sweet full backspin 3 iron to 3.6 ft on #6 for birdie was the key moment, but we both pulled out fabulous pars on #7 (with the 'tough' pin). I was lucky to escape with a half in bogey on #5 after finding a deep rough 60-70 lie in the first set of bunkers off the tee. Poor fm found that starter putter very hard to ding: in fact, we both missed makeable short ones with it.
Note: scorecard below lies slightly: first 2 holes were conceded back and forth after the disconnect, but in reality had been halved before.

P.S. I am just loving the challenge of playing with starters on these courses! Thank you so much Shoe, for responding to the request for a level-playing-field tourney, and for putting all this together.
P.P.S. Any chance you might publish Round conditions for all remaining rounds ahead? That way, given that we all know how the brackets progress, if players have gotten through, they can go ahead and play as soon as they like. This could be especially helpful given that it's summer, and people are likely to be taking trips.