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Here we go again

Sat, Aug 3 2013 11:52 AM (288 replies)
  • Wontonamo
    2,269 Posts
    Fri, Jun 21 2013 8:31 PM

    WGT should talk to EA about their now closed Facebook game called SimCity Social. This would close the browser window when it detected the Cheat Engine software thereby making it impossible to play the game whilst the Cheat Engine program was running. Ironically Cheat Engine was used to speed up that game rather than slow it down.

    quoted from wgtls forums  ^^^^^^

    ok wgt how about u guys just end this once and for all and talk to them lol. kinda sick of these posts and innuendo circulating.


  • rmchangin
    1,327 Posts
    Fri, Jun 21 2013 8:32 PM

    @ Russell your missing the point  ..again.....Go Read Jc post and really read it take a step back then read it again.....then come back here and tell me with a stright face you cant see some big problems with it...if you go through the posts you will see a lot of people took the post the same way i did...where Elitest or smug come's in to is if you can read that Post and say no it's all good....then you have a smug elitest attude

  • rmchangin
    1,327 Posts
    Fri, Jun 21 2013 8:33 PM


    WGT should talk to EA about their now closed Facebook game called SimCity Social. This would close the browser window when it detected the Cheat Engine software thereby making it impossible to play the game whilst the Cheat Engine program was running. Ironically Cheat Engine was used to speed up that game rather than slow it down.

    quoted from wgtls forums  ^^^^^^

    ok wgt how about u guys just end this once and for all and talk to them lol. kinda sick of these posts and innuendo circulating.


    How much you want to Bet there's some egghead somewhere working on one as we type...    :)

  • russellfahey
    4,286 Posts
    Fri, Jun 21 2013 8:59 PM


    @ Russell your missing the point  ..again.....Go Read Jc post and really read it take a step back then read it again.....then come back here and tell me with a stright face you cant see some big problems with it...if you go through the posts you will see a lot of people took the post the same way i did...where Elitest or smug come's in to is if you can read that Post and say no it's all good....then you have a smug elitest attude

    I have read Jeff's post and i don't think i'm missing the point,as he does say it's not a fool proof method,and i totally agree with that aswell,yes there are always gonna be discrepencies with any type of method again i agree whole heartedly.But also it's more of a guide rather than a Bible,but you have also made some valid points and so did Mbaggese in his last post.Nothing is black and white but it;s a start as i too wish to rid this game of all the cheats,but also as Jeff pointed out some innocent ppl like yourself maybe labelled a cheat coz of what he wrote and he also told ppl not to fly of the handle and come str8 out and accuse ppl like what happened to you in your MP match.

    I'm far from being smug or Elitest as i do see both sides of the argument,but that doesn't say i don't have an opinion on the cheating post posted in the forum.You basically need to look at how long the player is taking on a variety of shots over the course of the game in order to see the overall picture.My point is this if they are taking on average 2-4 secs per drive but then taking 15 seconds on there approaches on sometimes a critical part of the game or mp,then the argument of their need to hold the meter to make it smoother doesn't hold water to me,as surely you need to hit the f/w on your drive to allow you to play a good approach shot,rather than being in the rough of say 30-40% 190yrds from pin or even worse if your playing Merion,don't you agree?

    I personally wish a WGT mod would come into these cheating posts,and give us there perspective of whats being said or even possibly give us WGT's perspective and if they have any plans on what they are possibly going to do about these cheat engines.



  • russellfahey
    4,286 Posts
    Fri, Jun 21 2013 9:01 PM



    WGT should talk to EA about their now closed Facebook game called SimCity Social. This would close the browser window when it detected the Cheat Engine software thereby making it impossible to play the game whilst the Cheat Engine program was running. Ironically Cheat Engine was used to speed up that game rather than slow it down.

    quoted from wgtls forums  ^^^^^^

    ok wgt how about u guys just end this once and for all and talk to them lol. kinda sick of these posts and innuendo circulating.



    How much you want to Bet there's some egghead somewhere working on one as we type...    :)

    I only hope that your right RM then it would stop all these cheating/how to spot cheats posts.



  • Wontonamo
    2,269 Posts
    Fri, Jun 21 2013 9:18 PM




    WGT should talk to EA about their now closed Facebook game called SimCity Social. This would close the browser window when it detected the Cheat Engine software thereby making it impossible to play the game whilst the Cheat Engine program was running. Ironically Cheat Engine was used to speed up that game rather than slow it down.

    quoted from wgtls forums  ^^^^^^

    ok wgt how about u guys just end this once and for all and talk to them lol. kinda sick of these posts and innuendo circulating.



    How much you want to Bet there's some egghead somewhere working on one as we type...    :)

    I only hope that your right RM then it would stop all these cheating/how to spot cheats posts.




    having been here for 3+ years id be betting theyre working on another bag with a stand or some celebrity avatar instead.....sigh....

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Fri, Jun 21 2013 9:36 PM

    then the argument of their need to hold the meter to make it smoother doesn't hold water to me,
    It has been a popular advice against a stuttering meter as long as I've been around and has been testified in this thread by Woodo and Courteney and RM and MB (citing Andyson) and YJ and alanti and myself, even JC (arguing against himself nicely on page 6), and Barry acknowledged it.

    What else do you need to understand that it's common practice to hold the backswing, making the proposed backswing time count a useless witchhunt?

  • rmchangin
    1,327 Posts
    Fri, Jun 21 2013 10:26 PM


    then the argument of their need to hold the meter to make it smoother doesn't hold water to me,
    It has been a popular advice against a stuttering meter as long as I've been around and has been testified in this thread by Woodo and Courteney and RM and MB (citing Andyson) and YJ and alanti and myself, even JC (arguing against himself nicely on page 6), and Barry acknowledged it.

    What else do you need to understand that it's common practice to hold the backswing, making the proposed backswing time count a useless witchhunt?

    Thank you Al  maybe someone other than me telling them how useless this post really is, Just maybe then it will sink in.....And again the smug attude come shining through if i dont hold the back swing no one else's a tid bit...worry about whats on your side of the computer screen and i'll worry about whats on my side and we wont have any problems...but if the members of wgtls wants to keep posting pure bull crap on forums that cause's me griff being called a cheat i will be here to point it go back to smugville and tell the rest of the smuglets to chill out and leave us REAL players alone

  • rmchangin
    1,327 Posts
    Fri, Jun 21 2013 11:20 PM



    just read and read the response's  they have a little different attude on the there forum!

    I read the three pages...I guess there can be some validity in it Greg..


      But I don't play MPC..or Skins for credits unless it's with friends and even then the amount is so low, it isn't worth worrying about:)


      But, if folks are using some "easier to ding" device, we'd never know about RG's and other Tourney's....unless WGT could somehow monitor "release back swing to mouse click" time.




    WGT gives 15 second of "hold time"...then the meter release on it's own, but can be "clicked" that could be 17 seconds or so right there....

    I agree if someone stays Grayed out for 20 - 30 seconds that does seem a little odd, but there are times i second click meter and there is 5-10 second lag before avatar strike's the ball wouldn't that show a long gray out period also..there are way to many  variables to just  assign a giving time....The best advise i have  received on WGT came from  notonthis  told me dont play the other player, play the course, Took me awhile to figure out what he was saying, but since it has sunk in my avg has dropped like a lead  balloon  and  i made TL..Greg


  • rmchangin
    1,327 Posts
    Fri, Jun 21 2013 11:47 PM

    would like to say im Sorry to most of the players on WGTLS i shouldn't lump everyone togather. Plus i know many of you disagree with how the site is being run and this  Cancer called cheat engine...Ross, Roy, Roland, Ruben,Steve, Ed F, Ed M,Rick, Nick , Jon, Harry,Dave, Heather, Michelle& team mate ever DEMONS RULE!