Dear Yancy (you are Yancy), I (I am Friedel) dont wanna make you fear, but...
After I have viewed that video several times I am pretty sure, that there is to see a shadow behind you, just before the whatever-it-is-thing falls down. One have to look very carefully, a couple of times if needed, because that shadow moves very quick. And than it is such a special shadow, a so called "white shadow", that, like everyone knows, can only exist because of paranormal reasons. There is nothing any normal on earth that has a white shadow, right? So, that is the proof for its paranormal nature. Unfotunally this particular white shadow falls on a white wall, what makes it so difficult to see it. But believe me, I can feel it inside that it was there. Strange things (not only strange thinks) are going on there in your house!
And another interresting fact: That whatever-it-is-thing that falls down looks to me like a scottish flag. Now follow my thaughts: A video... things fall down without a reason... paranormal white shadows on white walls... Scotland... Loch Ness...
Does that make any sence? I am not sure. But I will continue my investigations.
Sincerely, Friedel (Frisian Beware-Of-Aliens Institute, F.B.I.)