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Female avatar, I have one and I know why

Tue, Nov 5 2013 10:27 AM (20 replies)
  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Mon, Nov 4 2013 2:52 PM


    My hat is off to any of the ladies here that use a female avatar . To put up with the moronic abuse, and slobbering fools some men become , when they see a cartoon picture of a woman golfer , is beyound belief . I'm sure many were turned off by this behavior and left right from the beginning . And I'd welcome any talking during a game, rather than the wooden dummies that coast thru a game saying nothing at all . 

    To those men (?) that treat the woman here shabby , I say shame on your parents for not bringing you up properly .

    To those men that welcomed the woman players as a friend and tutored them , I say congrats on being mature .

    What do you say to guys who befriend women on here and help them out in an effort to get naked pics from them?

    Hypothetically speaking, of course...

  • 719mike
    209 Posts
    Mon, Nov 4 2013 3:17 PM

    I'd say that person is pretty shallow and a low life for pretending to help them out , not due to kindness and generousity ,but simply to get something from them . They probably are incapable of maintaining any real friendships with people , unless they can get something back from them. They are missing out on an oppurtunity to actually learn , and care ,about someone other than themselfs . So ,that person is a cad , hypothetically , of course....

  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Mon, Nov 4 2013 7:57 PM

    I'm a happily married father to a 3 year old daughter and I use a female avatar. I do so for two main reasons:

    1. I spend several hours a day on this game, a majority of that time is spent staring at the back end of my avatar; I prefer looking at the back end of a female to a male.

    2. My wife is female, she NEVER makes a mistake and is NEVER wrong, I thought, WOW, that would be useful in WGT I want some of that, so....

  • atcherservice
    6 Posts
    Mon, Nov 4 2013 8:05 PM

    now that's funny stuff john , i think i'll come out of the closet also . and sport a new female avatar, will need to shorten the skirt a bit though.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Mon, Nov 4 2013 8:20 PM


    Gibberish, meaningless and pointless.

    You made a post saying woman talk to much, so you are rude to them. But then shockingly you found out some were good at you became a woman....Then you go on to state that looks matter not its talent.

    Thanks for that amazing insight.  

    Wow, the man makes (in his own way) an apology of sorts...and you respond like that?


    You could (should) have said:


    "Glad you've seen the light 1i"


    Aw well...maybe his boot will be open in the morning and you'll have a free shot to piss in it again.

  • JBaldoni
    892 Posts
    Mon, Nov 4 2013 8:35 PM

    : ).....THANK YOU Mike! 

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Nov 4 2013 8:46 PM



    Gibberish, meaningless and pointless.

    You made a post saying woman talk to much, so you are rude to them. But then shockingly you found out some were good at you became a woman....Then you go on to state that looks matter not its talent.

    Thanks for that amazing insight.  

    Wow, the man makes (in his own way) an apology of sorts...and you respond like that?


    You could (should) have said:


    "Glad you've seen the light 1i"


    Aw well...maybe his boot will be open in the morning and you'll have a free shot to piss in it again.

    Surprised you expected any diff Mike....

    "Gibberish, Meaningless and Pointless " could pretty much describe most of Rosey's posts ?

    See ya 'Turning Japanese' Rosey.....Having an attack of 'The Vapors' ?  lol

    You Deviant you..... tut, tut, tut.



  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Mon, Nov 4 2013 10:27 PM

    'Turning Japanese

  is stuck in my head now, but can not recall the band..


    Must resist the urge to google it.....arrrrrrrrrggggghhhhhhh!




    Chit, just read the rest of your reply Andy.


    LMBO...memory is clearing up!

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Tue, Nov 5 2013 3:40 AM

    great vid, to hell with Rosey, what does she know, u have to dance both ways to appreciate what I am saying.


    Don't damage urself

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Tue, Nov 5 2013 5:20 AM

    I have a few female friends I play with and always try to be nice. I have male friends who use female avatars and I always comment on how nice they look. I don't comment on the real female players in fear of repercussions. To each their own.