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Female avatar, I have one and I know why

Tue, Nov 5 2013 10:27 AM (20 replies)
  • Kelsey12
    2,114 Posts
    Tue, Nov 5 2013 10:27 AM


    Avatars don't necessarily mean anything.

    I beg to differ, Sir. Specifically during putting (depending on your equipped putter), female avatar club movements are every 5 feet while male avatar's are every 6... in the lower scales. It makes quite a difference when you need to putt the ball 20 feet - with the FA it's exactly 4 club movements of the 30 foot scale and somewhere between 3 and 4 movements with the MA.

    I'm sure if I needed to putt the ball 18 feet, it'd be easier with the male avatar, but I'm used to the female movements, and it's always difficult to convert to something new.