It is weird they even do that, because they don't mod fighting, and they don't close threads that been around forever. A normal forum closes threads. This one keeps them going and haven't seen one actually say closed. There is a lot of people here that pick on someones post and tears them apart like they got nothing else better to do. If they would just mod the real posts and leave the new comers join in to be in with everyone instead. The way this forum is moderated is very terrible.
Not only that, but if you going into each category you will find same topics that are already created from other categories, that thread is pretty much the same thing. The search is still pretty bad. If give you one recent thread and the rest are older. You look at the people that have thousands of posts next to their names. They are the ones that pick your post out and tear it apart. They will find something to nit pick about it.
You will get some good advice, but the majority is the nit picking.