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Instant message / chat box

rated by 0 users
Sun, Feb 9 2014 4:36 PM (3 replies)
  • stevepsheehan
    2,791 Posts
    Sat, Jul 6 2013 4:17 AM

    I get very frustrated trying to make contact with other members. The message system is fine...if they see they have a message...and if they read it...and if they reply. It seems to take forever to arrange something.

    Couldn't we have a simple, live, chat box? Something along the lines of Facebook Chat would be great - simply click an available ID, and post a "Hi Fred - fancy a game?" type post.

    I know its easy enough to start a game and invite friends, but it would be nice to be able to chat live FIRST, to perhaps discuss course, type of game, who else to invite etc.


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Jul 6 2013 5:38 AM

    I know its easy enough to start a game and invite friends, but it would be nice to be able to chat live FIRST, to perhaps discuss course, type of game, who else to invite etc.
    Except for third party options like Skype and TeamSpeak, you may do just that:

    Open a game, invite friends, and use the lobby chat box to arrange whatever you want. You have a few minutes before the game is automatically aborted, but you don't want to start it anyway.

    Works well from my experience!

  • stevepsheehan
    2,791 Posts
    Sat, Jul 6 2013 8:51 AM

    I accept all that; I just think it would me nice to be able to chat without HAVING to open a game and invite people.

    85 Posts
    Sun, Feb 9 2014 4:36 PM

    Steve I do agree with you 1000%.

    We do need this.

    As for 3rd party chat, they all upset the game, creating disconnections and reloads over and over again,