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Top level clubs

Tue, Aug 13 2013 12:16 PM (20 replies)
  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Mon, Jul 8 2013 10:20 PM

    I would gladly purchase a new driver if it were avaialbe to me. 

    There are several. Honest.

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Wed, Jul 10 2013 12:43 AM

    I was moved up to legend while I was still in the 70s.  At this level I have no chance to compete with other Legends simply because they have much better equipment. 

    I was moved up to Legend at level 67, and while I complained about the equipment, I honestly haven't lost every game against every Legend I've faced.  While I have lost a few games since the bump, I feel every game I've played I've been competitive.  

    So far, I've yet to find one hole where I can't reach the fairway, even in severe wind conditions.  There's always a "bail out" location. For now, you'll just have to employ better "course management" until you can get the better equipment.  Three to the green and one putt still equals par on a par 4 ... and most times, that's all you need!  

  • KittyWumpus
    345 Posts
    Wed, Jul 10 2013 8:48 PM

    I play with two other Legends regularly. Though we all have the L79 Bladez, I have the L81 G20 driver and 3W, and it is only the 3W that provides me any real advantage, and that is only for certain holes with certain conditions. Just today, I had a friend outdrive me with his L48 R1 on a few holes. He also was using the L59 G20 irons until he finally gave in and began learning the L79 Bladez. 

    The upper level Clevelands, IMO, are a HUGE difference, but still not enough to give a sub-average player any advantage over a stellar player who tiered earlier than the "average." The L79 Bladez provide a bit of advantage, but only if you are hitting the ding or close to it. I truly do not see any big advantage the equipment available to a L80-L89 Legend would provide for the average/sub-average player that would leave the players able to tier earlier than that at a disadvantage. Against equal skill level players? Yes, but not by a huge amount. IMO, it is not until you get to L90 that the equipment makes a huge difference (L90 R11 irons, L94 R11s driver, L95 R11s 3W, L98 R1). There are some pieces in the 80s that can provide benefit, but only if you are hitting the ding well, 'cause the penalties for not hitting it can be severe.

    What level does WGT feel we should tier up at? I think that is a great question. I would guess that... before L75 is early, L76-L85 is average, and above that would be late. All IMO of course.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Jul 10 2013 9:24 PM

    A pretty good summation Kitty. I obviously cannot say at what level WGTwould like players to tier up, but based on the equipment releases in the last year, players will be tiering up sooner than previously.

    A player who reaches legend in the sixties will have enough distance off the tee, but the irons will be a weakness. The Bladez are good when they are available. The lower level G20s just do not have the stopping power to elevated greens (trust me, I had that problem). However a good wedge player will still be competitive.

    I am not sure if there is ever a "too late"stage and generally would recommend players take their time and do it via averages rather than matchplay. The reality is many of these "paper legends" cannot (nor have they learned the game enough) compete from the tips, so then they just start again.

    But yes the biggest game changer for a legend are the R11 irons so yes the 90 milestone is good.

  • SlipperySusan
    1,134 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2013 3:58 PM

    My thoughts are that the R11 irons are long overdue to be replaced with something better maybe at L88_89 and the next tier irons should be available at around L94. 

    Hugs Susan

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Tue, Aug 13 2013 6:03 AM


    My thoughts are that the R11 irons are long overdue to be replaced with something better maybe at L88_89 and the next tier irons should be available at around L94. 

    Hugs Susan

    What attributes would you suggest?

  • SlipperySusan
    1,134 Posts
    Tue, Aug 13 2013 7:27 AM

    This is for legends ... like me who levelled quickly.

    Drop the R11 9.0 driver and replace with R11S 9.0 driver with slower meter speed like R1Super TP 8.0 at level 88,  match up with R11 Irons at Level 88.  Offer R1 Super TP 8.0 driver at L93 and offer a new iron set to match up with this driver at L93.  Now add a new super driver at L97.

    Just my thoughts.

    Hugs Susan.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,605 Posts
    Tue, Aug 13 2013 7:46 AM

    I think that the question Kitty asked is a valid one.

    WGT should put out some guide lines that help players better understand the clubs available and what they are designed for.  Obviously we have some pros at level 90 with pretty good clubs that don't need them.  We also have some legends at level 70 with average clubs who probably moved up to quick

    Having some type of spreadsheet that shows the suggested track would help many players.  I also think that the scoring and level should be the factor in advancing.  Total we have number of rounds, average and a bump if you beat better players in match play, which has led to many people being moved to legend because their legend friends have let them win matches, not sure why anyone wants that but it happens.

    I'm very happy with the R11 irons but I am a little surprised that a new and better club hasn't come along.  Frankly I don't think we need anything else at this point.

  • egonweber
    365 Posts
    Tue, Aug 13 2013 8:23 AM

    I am very happy with R11, the ironsets they have came up with after, noone have the range and trajectory to let me change. I hope wgt would bring on the R11s or R1 fullset,maybe both! With a SLOWER meterspeed on irons, would make it way better game for me!

    Not all those overruns on long irons, and only the long, from 6-3 wgt loves to give me! I can ding the other irons in 90% of my shots cause i hit em full ar close to full power.But on black tee its very often i have to use a long iron, with less power, to get green and i am a "dingfreak" aim and go for the ding on almost all my shots, only some doggy tees i use fade/hook to get fairway!


    Ps. I have always ment that clubs should be available to tier and not lvl, some players are faster to learn than me (old man) lvl 93 when i made the legend lol. They get a high tier but cant get the best clubs for there tier, but have to deal with bad clubs to they have played enough hours/days/months to get the club they have deserved for long time!



  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Tue, Aug 13 2013 11:55 AM

    Drop the R11 9.0 driver and replace with R11S 9.0 driver with slower meter speed like R1Super TP 8.0 at level 88

    Broadly I would agree The R11 is looking way long in the tooth.  A newer driver down there is something I have been saying for some time.  I personally don't think it should be any longer off the tee than the current one, but more forgiving would be more in line with what's around it.  The R1 should be L94 permanently and the R11S say level 90........IMO.  The R11S 3 wood is also a little high at L95. In all honesty though the R1 is a superb driver and great fun, BUT it's difference to headline average score is negligible / imperceivable  in my experience.  Not saying it's not a nice to back yourself with club especially in MP, but not a game changer.

    match up with R11 Irons at Level 88

    Irons are a tougher one to me. R11s with a slow meter I just do not think are wanted.  Anything that makes the game easier is a non starter for me.

    I could see improving the G20s with a slightly longer 3 iron maybe, but broadly speaking I think WGT are about bang on with irons. The Bladez are very close to R11 L90s in performance.

    EDIT: Not to say I would ever be against more choice, and people like fussing over comparison's, but what effective difference that would bring after the above I am not sure on.

    My opinion.