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Pro Tier Criteria for WGT Evaluation

rated by 0 users
Fri, Oct 24 2014 1:22 AM (57 replies)
  • TaxAnalyst
    18 Posts
    Sun, Jul 12 2009 1:14 PM

    I'm all for a 4 round tourney.  I think it would be great.  My point I was making before, is that Tibbets wins pretty much every single tourney if given unlimited opportunities to play.  Now, Tibbets may be right in his claim that he would win most of the single play tourneys.  But the reality out there is that he wins a smaller percentage of the single play tourneys than he does the unlimited play ones.  Another case in point:  the US Open we had on Bethpage.  Completely dominated the qualifying (unlimited) round.  Result in the clutch?  11th.  5 shots off the lead in the final round.  Aberration (as claimed) or not, the fact still remains that a single play tourney (or even a 4 round tourney) gives a better (more realistic) tourney experience, simply because it forces the player to deal with the "do or die" pressure of not having another opportunity to get the job done.  I completely disagree with Tibbets' designation of the single play format being "lottery golf".  How many tourneys on the tour do you know of that give each professional unlimited play on a course in order to determine the winner?  Oh what's that?  None?  Ok then.  I do get the point that if we are dealing with single play, ALL wind conditions should be identical for every player.  I don't know if that's the case or not, but I would suspect it's not.

  • tibbets
    1,043 Posts
    Sun, Jul 12 2009 2:11 PM

    It's not just wind conditions, its the built in random deviations aka "Beast".  Look, all the top players agree it's Lottery golf out here.  You don't play 900+ rounds without seeing the patterns of random luck and chance involved in this game over and over.  That's why there is unlmited play in the first place.  It's basically an admission that there are patterns that occur in the game that allow for "perfect storm" conditions for scoring, while the other patterns are the exact opposite.  You roll the dice and see what you get.

    Case in point:  Players A and B have exactly the same yardage left to the hole.  Player A sets up and hits an"Excellent!" shot and the ball ends up 4 ft from the cup.  Player B sets up the exact same way and hits an "Excellent!" shot and the ball ends up 24 feet from the cup and rolls off the side of the green,  No one in their right mind can come to the conclusion that this is a fair test of any players skill when the results for the exact same shot can be so varied.  This is the norm for what happens here, not the exception.  Hence why we call it "Lottery Golf".

    Yup, 11th in the UsOpen.  Do you think I would have improved my position over 3 more rounds?  You'd better believe it!  Oh, and how many PGA  tournaments do you know of that are 1 round only?  What's that?  None?  Ok then, enough with this single play tournament justification.

    One last point TaxAnalyst:  How would you know what occured during the US Open qualifying here?   Your account says you just joined 2 days ago. You have a wide range if opinions here for someone with a whopping 16 rounds of experience.  What would you know about Lottery Golf?   Oh, and your first round was a 65? Riiiiiight.

    Obviously you've been here long before 2 days ago under a different name.  Consider this discussion over.

  • lilmike24
    185 Posts
    Sun, Jul 12 2009 3:17 PM

    I haven't been here long but I would like to say , Tibbets has some good points in his post.


  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Sun, Jul 12 2009 3:21 PM

    I don't know , tibbets.. you don't think someone could come in on their very first day and post a 108 Skill Challenge at Edgewood Tahoe? ...

    Yea, me neither. Obviously a multiple.  How ironic that the name has something to do with 'taxes'.

  • lilmike24
    185 Posts
    Sun, Jul 12 2009 3:28 PM

    True dat snaike. I tried playing edgewood and quit on the 7th. It was TOUGH.


  • drivnchaos
    286 Posts
    Sun, Jul 12 2009 3:50 PM

    Thanks Snaike. Noticed that earlier in the thread. 2 days ?

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Sun, Jul 12 2009 4:01 PM

    You know what they say.. if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and smells like a duck...

    Wait.. can ducks smell?

  • claremoreblue
    2,322 Posts
    Sun, Jul 12 2009 4:20 PM

    Snaike has spoken!! What duck!! I don't see a duck!

  • TaxAnalyst
    18 Posts
    Sun, Jul 12 2009 4:50 PM

    LOL douchebags...  no, I didn't just start playing this game two days ago.  However, I did just create my first account two days ago.  I've been playing under my roommate's name for months, but just finally decided to create my own so I could buy some clubs.  But I'm glad you all are so hard up for controversy that you find it necessary to make personal attacks.  I'm sure that's much easier than, say, discussing the topic at hand.  If all you have to do with your time is attack me, you need to get a life.  Losers.  I was simply adding my opinion to the forum in regards to the tournament gameplay.  If you can't handle that, get lost.

  • tibbets
    1,043 Posts
    Sun, Jul 12 2009 4:54 PM

    From the WGT news page:

    WGT Tip: Don't Share Accounts!

    13 Apr 2009

    When you play WGT, be sure to log in using your own account. Our terms of service allows each player to have just one account, and to only play the game using your own account. By sharing an account with someone else, or playing games using another person's account, you run a risk of having the accounts blocked. You also run the risk of being disqualified from any tournaments you played.

    Speaking of the terms of service, be sure to check them out from time to time as they change periodically.

    Happy golfing.