lonniescott711: Go to the pro shop , and pick out the clubs , you feel that I should have at my level . Then gift them to me .
They don't sell children's clubs.
6yr old Lonnie sees 4yr old Bobby with an ice cream cone.
Lonnie: "I wanna ice cream cone too! Waaaaaa!! Bobby always gets the ice cream cones. I never get any!"
Mom: "OK I'll get you a vanilla cone"
Lonnie "I don't want vanilla"
Mom: "OK, I'll get you chocolate then"
Lonnie: "Noooooo, I don't want chocolate."
Mom: "OK, how about strawberry?"
Lonnie: "Yeah strawberry"
Mom to the ice cream vendor: "A cone with one scoop of strawberry please."
Lonnie: "Nooooo, I want TWO scoops!"
Mom: "Two scoops will spoil your dinner, Its one scoop or nothing."
Lonnie: "Waaaaaa!! I want TWO scoops!"
Mom:"We're going home now, no ice cream!"
Lonnie: "Waaaaaa!! Bobby always gets the ice cream cones. I never get any!"
Mom: "Stop whining about Bobby getting ice cream Lonnie! You had plenty of choices."
Lonnie: "Waaaaa!!