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Pro shop *** up

Thu, Aug 8 2013 11:00 AM (46 replies)
  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Wed, Aug 7 2013 8:51 AM


    Im glad I bought the driver when I did


    06 Aug
    Milfshake purchased the TaylorMade R1 Super TP 8.0 Black Driver (OBAN shaft) (L93+) in the Pro Shop.

    24 mins before downtime!

    Tour Pro
    Average Score
    Just what you need, a Black Shaft L93 R1, guess you can hit em over the greens on par 5's now. Too funny...
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Aug 7 2013 9:30 AM


    Tour Pro
    Average Score
    Just what you need, a Black Shaft L93 R1, guess you can hit em over the greens on par 5's now. Too funny...

    Save it, OBR, he's shameless about his intentions. Been down that muddy rut.  :-I

  • Milfshake
    1,260 Posts
    Wed, Aug 7 2013 10:00 AM



    Tour Pro
    Average Score
    Just what you need, a Black Shaft L93 R1, guess you can hit em over the greens on par 5's now. Too funny...

    Save it, OBR, he's shameless about his intentions. Been down that muddy rut.  :-I


    Hey be nice... Ive been doing some research on tier'n up, Its coming soon... Honestly.

    For what its worth.. I play more games with TM & Legend conditions then I do from my own tier...  In alt shot I only get drive from the white tees.. I have to take approach shots from TM & Legends drives... Not my own... 


    The driver caught my eye last night before the downtime, I was playing practice rounds with a Tour Master with Tour Master conditions. And was getting left in the dirt on Merion by the black shafted driver.....  I may never use  the driver... I dont really want to deal with 3 different meter speeds. 


    I almost forgot.. I won my R1 in a WGT held tournament. I did have to come out of my pocket 1000 credits.. for the R1  at my level was 3500 credits.

    *I finshed in 3rd place, yet  the 1st and 2nd places winners had both did something to get their  accounts deleted and that in turned put me into 1st place. 


    I did beat up on that Tour Master, tho... Seems that with my clubs set and ball choice I was getting very nice 2nd shot yardage, more then 80% of my 2nd shots were dead money to the pin.. Didnt even have to adjust much.. I began to think that Tier'n up almost makes the game easier.. The greens almost play to perfection with gut feelings. 

    Some people are telling me to Tier up with Ready Go's..  Im not really into taking peoples credits.. I will take WGTs credits tho.. as you can see from the tournaments winnings. I did accept the prize. 

    I like the route of beating a few TM or Legends in Match play for no credits and Tier up that way. Seems easiest and could very well only take 3-5 games to become a Tour Master.. 

    Im all ears if anyone has a better plan of attack.. I look forward to playing some of you when I reach a Tier you are willing to play me on.


  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Wed, Aug 7 2013 10:10 AM

    Hey be nice... Ive been doing some research on tier'n up, Its coming soon... Honestly.

    Research? Mate if you can shoot a 29 in a RG a couple of RRs more.............

    A CTTH tourney win.  You do not see that as embarrassing at all, not even a little bit?

  • Milfshake
    1,260 Posts
    Wed, Aug 7 2013 10:18 AM


    Hey be nice... Ive been doing some research on tier'n up, Its coming soon... Honestly.

    Research? Mate if you can shoot a 29 in a RG a couple of RRs more.............

    A CTTH tourney win.  You do not see that as embarrassing?



    You just razzing me on the word (research) or what man? 

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Wed, Aug 7 2013 10:22 AM

    You just razzing me on the word (research) or what man? 

    Mate you should tier up, no excuse not to. 

  • Milfshake
    1,260 Posts
    Wed, Aug 7 2013 10:29 AM


    You just razzing me on the word (research) or what man? 

    Mate you should tier up, no excuse not to. 



    Not being ready(educated on the tier'n up system) in my own head is an excuse?

    I also noticed you used the word (should)... So that means I dont have to?



    Did you also see that they brought the driver back? I see it in the Pro shop as we type.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Wed, Aug 7 2013 10:36 AM

    Not being ready(educated on the tier'n up system) in my own head is an excuse?

    Play some RRs and shoot from the Master Tees at least.  You are more than ready, and you may enjoy it!

    Did you also see that they brought the driver back? I see it in the Pro shop as we type.

    It was just a stuff up.  They never actually got rid of it, just did not show anywhere other than under the TM brand listings as it transpired.  

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Aug 7 2013 10:38 AM

    Milfshake, you didn't win that driver, you stole it from the person that came second.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Aug 7 2013 10:48 AM

    LMAO. Sucked a new crowd in, milf. 

    He knows all this, folks, that's the muddy rut I referred to. He's stringing you right along and knows full well the score.

    Play on.  :-)