courteneyfish: Nobody has a par 3 average below 3 after 12 rounds and nobody beats 3 Legends in their first month. Just saying.
So you noticed that, too eh? Those aren't the only odd things in his stats, either.
DynamiteTommy: kill yourself, jimmy
I believe that's another T&C violation...
DynamiteTommy: If I must say that I'm playing matchplays and winning them vs legends. what else can i do?! that's what i'm doing.
Ah, a confession! Just what WGT needed...
courteneyfish: DynamiteTommy: we have a problem, nobody will play me anymore.....
No, YOU have a problem.
Agreed... but I'd say more than just one.
Count me among those that will never play that person anymore. And yes, he did sucker me once in a Skins game. He's apparently a sandbagger, and multi-accounter, at the very least. I pity the poor noob Amateur who was playing with us and probably now looks up to the OP as some kind of a god or something.