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Multi Account Loophole

Thu, Sep 12 2013 2:38 PM (17 replies)
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  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Wed, Sep 4 2013 6:50 AM

    This is not a post attacking any body, what players do to beat the system is none of my business, (but boosts WGT's business.LOL)

    It was brought to my attention a suspected player who had multiple accounts had his/her account disabled by WGT (good on them for at least doing SOMETHING) but found that the account was up and running again because this player told WGT that his parents play, his 3 brothers play and sent WGT Id's for his/her family so they re enabled the account.  (Getting tips from the family was probably why they scored 62 on day they lets give benefit of doubt this can happen at times but winning loads of credits with low scores immediately does raise an alarm wouldn't you think??

    To me this is a MASSIVE multi account LOOPHOLE which can be abused to the MAX(irons).  I could open 4 accounts from my home send WGT my wife & daughters ID, heck i might even say uncle Bob and my grandmother lived with me as well, not to difficult to do if i could obtain their drivers licence.  Plenty of youngsters 16+ love to play x box and a lot of them like to use cheats to play their games to get infinite ammo etc etc so they would not think twice about learning this game and then finding out how to beat the system, same with a parent who plays this game and gets to legend and thinks he could beat the system by starting new account and saying its his sons.  What can WGT do?  This is a massive loophole and i cant really see how WGT can combat it?  basically the flood gates are wide open and you only have to look at some low tiered ready go's at players who are level 25 and scoring sub 60's.  I know players adapt differently to this game, but honestly it took me a while to be able to learn wind, putting and how to take good approaches and to see players scoring 60 on day they joined is blatantly obvious to me and the rest of us. Looking at low tiered tournaments and ready go's you will see more than half of entrants obvious 2nd accounts.  With loopholes like this there's going to be even more.  poor WGT, no way can they combat this any more so its just going to get even worse. What can wgt do? should they just give up on it because it seems impossible to me??

  • filmslayer
    2,341 Posts
    Wed, Sep 4 2013 6:53 AM

    as a Tour Legend Chris why do you even care ?

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Wed, Sep 4 2013 7:02 AM


    as a Tour Legend Chris why do you even care ?

    It doesn't effect me at all, just concerned about the genuine player who are learning the game and how disheartening it must be when you score -4 and are proud of your score only to see a 58 on the leaderboard by a level 40 player who has all diamond cups next to his/her name and $100 earnings after joining a few weeks ago.  It might push a lot of newbies away as they're trying their hardest to do well and giving it their best shot only to be constantly beat in every game by tens of 2nd account legends. Wouldn't you feel gutted??

  • HWei
    534 Posts
    Wed, Sep 4 2013 7:05 AM

    Everyone here will @ some point has a gripe for anything that goes on here . It's like circle that has no end ,til someone will break it ? IMHO

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Wed, Sep 4 2013 7:16 AM


    Give them unadulterated proof of wrongdoing, even in the offender's own words & if the perpetrator has a fat account, management suddenly begins looking for their seeing-eye dog! If on the other hand, the offender does surveys for balls & scrapes by; well they are outta here faster than ex-lax through a goose with irritable bowel syndrome!

    The green worshipped here has nothing to do with putting; you can bet your A$ on that!

    Yes, i believe this myself.  As soon as WGT introduced those very accurate MAX irons for a very large sum of $$ I instantly realized that its a back door green light for players to open loads of accounts.  basically its like WGT saying "yes, you can open a 2nd account, but if you want to compete quicker it will COST YOU MORE!" kaaaching-kaching (till

  • filmslayer
    2,341 Posts
    Wed, Sep 4 2013 7:27 AM

    Wouldn't you feel gutted??


    no , i dont play for credits unless its from my friends list and even then very seldom ...

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Wed, Sep 4 2013 7:40 AM


    Wouldn't you feel gutted??


    no , i dont play for credits unless its from my friends list and even then very seldom ...

    It's not about playing just for credits.

    Chris is talking about the legit hacks/am/etc...who have a round of the short career here and put up 2-3 under par, only to be in 10th place to those posting 30's the day they joined.


    Disheartening (what Chris is getting at) for the legit newer players.

  • filmslayer
    2,341 Posts
    Wed, Sep 4 2013 7:46 AM

    i understand Mike , but its a simple fact of human nature that if there is something to gain some will cheat to obtain it ... the only way i see to end cheating and multi-accounts is to do way with the credit games and even then some would still cheat ...

  • Milfshake
    1,260 Posts
    Wed, Sep 4 2013 8:14 AM

    My roommate has watched me play this game for about 2 years... and He has always wanted to play.. Every time he whats to join WGT I have to say.. Its one account per an IP man.. and he has then go play tiger woods or sim golf... which is still the best golf game ever... yes Sim Golf. 


    Is there a legal way for my roomie to make an account and can we play vs each other?


    I wont do it again. but... 

    I was at my mothers house over the week-end and she caught me playing WGT and kicked me out of my chair and played two holes... I was in practice mode.. I a sure you. 


    What the rules on this? 

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