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Screwing ( pardon my french) with the greenspeeds

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Mon, Sep 23 2013 6:36 AM (32 replies)
  • Covenant
    1,498 Posts
    Thu, Sep 19 2013 12:16 PM

    Just played a few of the newly set ready go's  and completely not unexpected it was a feast of WTF shots and greens totally not having the speed as announced.

    Well, was not surprised really, but what surprises me is that WGT seems to hold on to the fact that they dont change anything to the speed of the greens.

    We now know howevr, due to the crazy tourneys blodshoe has organised, that messing around with the greenspeed, simply change the parameters, is an easy thing to do for them.

    And they do


    On the other hand, it always is a surprise what kind of stuff wgt cooks up every newly set ready go's , so you have to make an effort to learn what they have done and adapt to that. Cost you a few credits, but thats all in the game, aint it? :-)

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Thu, Sep 19 2013 12:37 PM


    Just played a few of the newly set ready go's  and completely not unexpected it was a feast of WTF shots and greens totally not having the speed as announced.

    Well, was not surprised really, but what surprises me is that WGT seems to hold on to the fact that they dont change anything to the speed of the greens.

    We now know howevr, due to the crazy tourneys blodshoe has organised, that messing around with the greenspeed, simply change the parameters, is an easy thing to do for them.

    And they do


    On the other hand, it always is a surprise what kind of stuff wgt cooks up every newly set ready go's , so you have to make an effort to learn what they have done and adapt to that. Cost you a few credits, but thats all in the game, aint it? :-)

    There has never been any secret that the greens speeds can be changed.  Just look at what we do for different tiers.  Slow, Fast, very fast, tournament, and championship.   So yes obviously we are able to change the green speeds.  However as you eluded to my tournament of craziness, once the speed is outside of the determined speed of the tiers, it lists as some funky wording.  This indicates that the speed is not one of the tiered speeds.  So if your not seeing that, then the speed is what it is listed as. 


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • Covenant
    1,498 Posts
    Thu, Sep 19 2013 12:44 PM

    I did not mean the fact that you choose another greenspeed for a tournament and vary with fast, tournament and such, but that you say its tournament speed and it simply does not react as such, not even close. An thats the variation we have to adapt too

  • mwrussell1
    1 Posts
    Thu, Sep 19 2013 12:50 PM

    The new "Ready go" also has NO consistency, all sort of parameters change FROM HOLE TO HOLE/SWING TO SWNG 

  • Covenant
    1,498 Posts
    Thu, Sep 19 2013 1:49 PM

    Just did a practice round on Merion, mainly to try out other ways of putting. Greenspeed was set on tournament, but was at least championship and sometimes even faster.

    it could of course al be done on purpose to make the game more unpredictable, but if so the percentage of luck instead of skill becomes greater and greater.. Making the game more and more inconsistentw will just piss players off with as result that they will play less and less imo.

    Still think uneven lie is a good option, but it should still be a bit more on forgiveness then we now experience

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Thu, Sep 19 2013 1:59 PM

    it lists as some funky wording.

    You sure thats spelt correct?

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Thu, Sep 19 2013 3:10 PM

    once the speed is outside of the determined speed of the tiers, it lists as some funky wording.

    So you are saying that never would WGT changed any advertised speed per course.

    For clarity V Fast at Beth would never be a different speed all 365 days of year, no matter the competition??

    EDIT - same principle all speeds.  Many times people complain the advertised speeds are not constant so just wanted be clear on the company position, and that I have it exact.  Thanks.

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Thu, Sep 19 2013 3:25 PM


    once the speed is outside of the determined speed of the tiers, it lists as some funky wording.

    So you are saying that never would WGT changed any advertised speed per course.

    For clarity V Fast at Beth would never be a different speed all 365 days of year, no matter the competition??

    EDIT - same principle all speeds.  Many times people complain the advertised speeds are not constant so just wanted be clear on the company position, and that I have it exact.  Thanks.

    I am just saying that a higher speed then the tier specific speed will list as that random wording.  Example Championship speed let's say that is ranked at a 15 on the stimpmeter, if it higher then that let's say 20 then  it will not show.  That's when you get the weird wording.  That's all I was trying to clarify.  That we don't list the speed at Championship then crank it up to a 20. 


    - WGTdbloshoe

    1,141 Posts
    Thu, Sep 19 2013 4:08 PM


    i gotta say .. i kinda seen this commin ... Dblo man... 

    rigged theorist are gunna be all over you ... no win situation once they think yer messin with the RG greens there will be no convincing them else wize .. 

    beware... im amazed they arnt already accusing you of jack'n more that V.E.M. juice on em too...

    peace.:)_~~                                                 #lifeisrigged