Its easy to change the green speeds and have them vary for you guys and it is also easy to give them a name. I am not even a programmer and I can see that.
All greens speeds have some factor to plug into your algorithm. When i putt i use different factors for the different speeds and divide them by my distance to the cup. Yes I do it backwards. So there is .8, .9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.25, 1.32, 1.4. If i have a flat putt of 20 feet on tourney legend greens i divide it by 1.32. However, look at all those factors between the ones I use that could be input into the game. There are times when 1.32 works perfectly for me on my greens, but other times it is not enough or too much.. Lets look at champ greens. Lets says you used anything from 1.37 - 1.44. The longer the putt the more that .6 in variation makes a difference. On a 20 foot flat putt it is about a foot. You start adding up and down hill it could be more. Imagine if you said 1.33-1.48 is champ
As for the funny little name you speak of, like i said i am not a programmer, but that is probably one or two lines of code that say something like: If factor=1.4, then name = Championship, so if you wanted you could write: If factor =1.37-1.44, then name=championship. You guys can name any factor or any speed anything you want.
Now at the end of the day I don't care. Some days I get it right and do well and others I don't. Days I don't get it right, i get pissed etc, but it goes in swings and roundabouts if you play enough, so I am gonna have good streaks and bad streaks and maybe having those variations does make things a bit more exciting or different at least.
Lets just not get it twisted. You guys have the ability to set the speeds of the greens to anything you want and you can name them whatever you like, its all just programming and code