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Screwing ( pardon my french) with the greenspeeds

rated by 0 users
Mon, Sep 23 2013 6:36 AM (32 replies)
  • Hewsey
    1,957 Posts
    Thu, Sep 19 2013 4:12 PM

    So your golf pro tells you what speed the greens are before you go out on the course? Last time I hit the real course all green speeds were different. Personally I think that's just part of the game. 

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Thu, Sep 19 2013 4:13 PM


    i gotta say .. i kinda seen this commin ... Dblo man... 

    rigged theorist are gunna be all over you ... no win situation once they think yer messin with the RG greens there will be no convincing them else wize .. 

    I thought the point of order was well worthwhile, and I thought he answered the ? very well., thus only serving to help stop that.  Some will continue to like conspiracy theory stuff - bully for them!  

    EDIT: not suggesting you were saying he never answered well or aiming at me, but wanted to bring out that there is at least a stance on this.  Won't ever fully stop conspiracy stuff but....

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Thu, Sep 19 2013 4:22 PM



    i gotta say .. i kinda seen this commin ... Dblo man... 

    rigged theorist are gunna be all over you ... no win situation once they think yer messin with the RG greens there will be no convincing them else wize .. 

    beware... im amazed they arnt already accusing you of jack'n more that V.E.M. juice on em too...

    peace.:)_~~                                                 #lifeisrigged

    I figured it would be coming, which is why the who I am happy the way it is listed works nicely.  Funky wording = green speeds are not any of the tier based ones.



  • grumpyolddom
    384 Posts
    Thu, Sep 19 2013 4:52 PM

    I am afraid that I am one of those rigged theorist . I don't think he answered the O.P. question. So maybe he could give me a straight answer? If I am shooting a R.G. on Bth. and the green speed is very fast I don't give a damm about a stimpmeter reading. What I want to know is that very fast reading the same as if I was shooting a practice round, a match round, a tournament? And is it the same 365 days a year. And is it constant from hole to hole? I don't care about Funky wording. This a simple question and can be answered with a simple yes or no. Try and not answer like a politician. Are the green speeds constant?? 

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Thu, Sep 19 2013 4:55 PM


    I am afraid that I am one of those rigged theorist . I don't think he answered the O.P. question. So maybe he could give me a straight answer? If I am shooting a R.G. on Bth. and the green speed is very fast I don't give a damm about a stimpmeter reading. What I want to know is that very fast reading the same as if I was shooting a practice round, a match round, a tournament? And is it the same 365 days a year. And is it constant from hole to hole? I don't care about Funky wording. This a simple question and can be answered with a simple yes or no. Try and not answer like a politician. Are the green speeds constant?? 

    I am sorry you are not satisfied with my answer, but I do feel I answered both the OP's and the subsequent questions.


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • grumpyolddom
    384 Posts
    Thu, Sep 19 2013 5:27 PM

    You did not answer me!!   YES or NO    .  simple.  Are the green speeds constant 365 days a year?  Hole to hole reguardless of what you are shooting on them (R.G's) (practice or A.S) ( Tournaments)              YES or NO.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Thu, Sep 19 2013 5:32 PM


    I am afraid that I am one of those rigged theorist . I don't think he answered the O.P. question. So maybe he could give me a straight answer? If I am shooting a R.G. on Bth. and the green speed is very fast I don't give a damm about a stimpmeter reading. What I want to know is that very fast reading the same as if I was shooting a practice round, a match round, a tournament? And is it the same 365 days a year. And is it constant from hole to hole? I don't care about Funky wording. This a simple question and can be answered with a simple yes or no. Try and not answer like a politician. Are the green speeds constant?? 

    I have stated the same for the last 2 years. We do not change greens or it's speed. If it's fast, then it's fast. Holes play different depending on slopes, distances, winds, and sometimes, deviations.

    If you chose not to believe us, that's fine too :)


  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Thu, Sep 19 2013 5:52 PM

    Its easy to change the green speeds and have them vary for you guys and it is also easy to give them a name.  I am not even a programmer and I can see that. 

    All greens speeds have some factor to plug into your algorithm. When i putt i use different factors for the different speeds and divide them by my distance to the cup. Yes I do it backwards. So there is .8, .9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.25, 1.32, 1.4.  If i have a flat putt of 20 feet on tourney legend greens i divide it by 1.32.  However, look at all those factors between the ones I use that could be input into the game. There are times when 1.32 works perfectly for me on my greens, but other times it is not enough or too much.. Lets look at champ greens. Lets says you used anything from 1.37 - 1.44. The longer the putt the more that .6 in variation makes a difference. On a 20 foot flat putt it is about a foot. You start adding up and down hill it could be more. Imagine if you said 1.33-1.48 is champ

    As for the funny little name you speak of, like i said i am not a programmer, but that is probably one or two lines of code that say something like:  If factor=1.4, then name = Championship, so if you wanted you could write: If  factor =1.37-1.44, then name=championship. You guys can name any factor or any speed anything you want.

    Now at the end of the day I don't care. Some days I get it right and do well and others I don't. Days I don't get it right,  i get pissed etc, but it goes in swings and roundabouts if you play enough, so I  am gonna have good streaks and bad streaks and maybe having those variations does make things a bit more exciting or different at least.

    Lets  just not get it twisted. You guys have the ability to set the speeds of the greens to anything you want and you can name them whatever you like, its all just programming and code

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Thu, Sep 19 2013 5:59 PM


    Lets  just not get it twisted. You guys have the ability to set the speeds of the greens to anything you want and you can name them whatever you like, its all just programming and code

    True dat!!

    For about the green speed in the first round of the Virtual Open, lol.

    Listed as Slow,,,, not a chance,,,these greens were slower than slow. I practiced slow greens for a good bit before playing.

    No....these greens were like quicksand, lol. Anyone who played that tourney knows what i'm talking about.

    Yups changing the green speed they are,,, and denying it as usual,,,,lmao!

    Edit: I wonder if they gave any thought into.......maybe we are playing this game?? :)

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Thu, Sep 19 2013 6:19 PM

    Example Championship speed let's say that is ranked at a 15 on the stimpmeter, if it higher then that let's say 20 then  it will not show. 

    That's all I was trying to clarify.  That we don't list the speed at Championship then crank it up to a 20. 


    Must admit I took that as variable up to a certain point.  No offense but upon reflection you can maybe see why?? maybe ? Anyway regardless I never had an issue just personally (notmuch of an RG player accepted)  but Icon says no variance at all and is specific .....

    I disagree with some one saying it's OK just to vary personally.  People stick credits on the line for RGs and as they do not get a chance to get on "course" and practice then they should know exactly which speed before they enter ................Icon was clear...guess I just read it wrong...