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Screwing ( pardon my french) with the greenspeeds

rated by 0 users
Mon, Sep 23 2013 6:36 AM (32 replies)
  • Covenant
    1,498 Posts
    Thu, Sep 19 2013 11:16 PM

    If i read it right, i see different opinions from both wgt mods. Blodshoe mentioned the stimpmeter can vary a bit within a certain greenspeed nomination ( say 15 to 20 championship) which should explain the fact we experience the difference in what we expect to be the same all the time.

    However, Icon just denies there is a variation. I have a few rounds under my belt here, and especially developed a certain feel for the game. If anything is off, different, changed, i feel that, its just not the same as before. I dont think with 8500 ranked rounds and a multiple of that on other games that its just me, especially when i see how many other people are saying the same.


    So my point of critisism is not the fact that same nominated greens are different but the fact that wgt always said that they are exactly the same. Thats cheating, isn't it?

    Giving the fact there is a certain variation possible in nominated greenspeeds, i am pretty sure they can do that to other aspects of the game too .

    Ok, it makes the game more uncontrolable and increases the RSF, which together with the VEM makes the game more and more unpredictable and less dependent on computergame skills. Is that a good thing? Maybe, but it still pisses me off when I dont seem to get what is given me on information.


  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Fri, Sep 20 2013 12:30 AM

    Stimpmeter Readings

    Professional golf is played on greens reading around 10’.  Speeds of 10 feet on the Stimpmeter are for tournament play and are not generally suitable, nor sustainable, for normal club golf. In summer conditions green speeds can be categorised as:

    Fast        – 8’6” or greater

    Medium – Fast 7’0” – 8’5”

    Medium – Slow 6’6” – 6’11”

    Slow         – 6’5″ or less

    Links course are generally approaching the highest category with the majority of other courses being in the middle categories. The quest for ever faster greens can result in overstressing the turf resulting in weak growth and domination of annual meadow grass.

    The Stimpmeter is a 36-inch long, aluminum tool designed to make a standard measurement of green speed. At one end is a ball release notch that is designed so that a golf ball will always be released and start to roll when the Stimpmeter is raised to an angle of approximately 20 degrees to horizontal.

    A Stimpmeter reading is a distance measurement in feet and inches. Green speed is determined by selecting a flat area of green, rolling a ball in one direction then in the opposite direction and averaging the two measurements.


    There is no set distance on the Stimp to declare a green speed, 8.6 or greater is deemed fast so therefore 9.2 is also fast.

    WGT declare only fast, not, as an example , this green is fast with a stimp of 8.9 so there will always be a variation within any given speed.

  • Covenant
    1,498 Posts
    Fri, Sep 20 2013 1:28 AM

    Ok, i can believe a little difference in speeds, i mean, i experience it every day, but just played 2 games.

    One was a practice game par 3, tournament grrens that acted like championship. First you think it could be a glitch, but through mulligan i discovered soon enough it was just way faster then i expected.

    Then i did the weekly free multiround on Kiawah, designeated greens: tournament. No way, at best very fast, and with no Mulligans and still the option it may be a glitch it took me a few holes for confirmation i had the ball much harder then i even am used on "normal" tournament greens

    Needless to say that game went nowhere, no harm done, but still

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Fri, Sep 20 2013 1:59 AM


    Ok, i can believe a little difference in speeds, i mean, i experience it every day, but just played 2 games.

    One was a practice game par 3, tournament grrens that acted like championship. First you think it could be a glitch, but through mulligan i discovered soon enough it was just way faster then i expected.

    Then i did the weekly free multiround on Kiawah, designeated greens: tournament. No way, at best very fast, and with no Mulligans and still the option it may be a glitch it took me a few holes for confirmation i had the ball much harder then i even am used on "normal" tournament greens

    Needless to say that game went nowhere, no harm done, but still

    Well.....what can i say. I just played the same tourney "multiround on Kiawah" and the green speed was not tournament for sure. Very fast maybe,,,maybe a touch slower.

    BTW..i shot same score, lol. Lets just say i left a few short. hehe

    Also was talking to one of the best putters here.....and he says they are changing the green speeds. Now who do you believe?? lol. Don't need answer, lol.

  • DannyMcFly
    100 Posts
    Fri, Sep 20 2013 2:28 AM

    Agree with OP, green speeds are way different in ready go's. For example yesterday par3 f18 on "tournaments" greens. It was so unpredictable that i missed 5 easy birds there. I was hitting even harder then i usually do and i remember one completely wtf putt, 16ft 2up, i hit around 17ft and came 3ft short, dots barely moving. So next uphill i hit harder and came 5ft above with the same 2ft up using calculation for previous putt. But its only an example, sometimes it shows tournament and they are slow as very fast, and sometimes like championship.

  • grumpyolddom
    384 Posts
    Fri, Sep 20 2013 2:58 PM

    Icon this is one of the largest complaints I have with W.G.T. We can never get a straight answer to our questions. When and if you try and answer a question. We all know that green speed is effected by slopes (uphill or down), distances hitting a 5 inch putt is struck different than a 20 ft one!! But now you say sometimes (DEVIATIONS) ?? This was the point of this post and my question. Does the deviation change the speed more or less when shooting R.G.'s. Is this deviation part of V.E.M.? I do not shoot R.G.'s but I have seen enough times were green speed is changed from hole to hole in Ault. shot games. Can the deviation take or make a green speed diffent than what is stated for the game?  I quess what I am saying is i chose not to believe you until i get a straight answer. Are the green speeds constant or can V.E.M. (deviations) take them into another level speed?? Like changing them from fast to tournament. Or slowing them down. Is more deviations used for RG'??

  • Peelcat
    97 Posts
    Fri, Sep 20 2013 4:07 PM

    imo    you can shoot  a  ( great ) round  59 to 61 on 18 holes and still not get in the money ( credits ) but just take it with a grain of salt and consider it all fun.   Name a real course where you can spend $5 - $7 per week and shoot under par consistently.  jmo  just think of the friends and not to mention the A O's  you meet here.    The good outways the bad.  just my opinion.     Peelcat

  • SwingingRoofer
    456 Posts
    Fri, Sep 20 2013 6:45 PM

    I use a chart for speed n tournament green are going slower then very fast a fact...

  • riskplayer
    253 Posts
    Fri, Sep 20 2013 8:40 PM

    They have said the tournament is 2 different settings w/tour master tourney speed and  legend tourney speed. 

  • pipeman1370
    109 Posts
    Fri, Sep 20 2013 9:10 PM

    This whole game is a farce of errors that wgt puts on you for the purpose of getting you so pissed you leave because your not spending money. They can do what ever they want to and not listen to anyone who is complaining about the abuse their giving you and the embarrassment you have to face when your game is *** and all the other guys are doing very well. Well WGT you can have you *** piece of *** game and i hope you run the whole *** thing in the ground. Because that is what you deserve for treating people like trash just for the money. That's all you care about so have a great day and stick your head up your *** ass.