no I don't need to play skins with you. I play alt shot from time to time for FUN! yes fun, to play with another group of people and relax and enjoy myself.
I play plenty of RANKED Stroke games as you can see by the 850 i have. I play RGs, playing one now actually, and do ok from time to time, I play every free weekly and monthly that I can and I use those as practice and to find out what I am made of, as well as going out with one of my TL friends and having him knock my behind around the course a bit.
Once I turned legend I didn't care about my average and what it meant to others. After I turned legend my average ballooned up over 70, now I am close to breaking 62 and maybe if I am lucky after another few hundred rounds I might actually make TL
So I don't have any limited thinking, I play all types of games on here and don't worry about the outcome. I win some and I lose some.
My post was meant as a dig, because you come on here wanting people to play and practice with you but you are not humble or gracious about it. Just make all this rules and demands because you don't want to play a single ranked stroke play game and see your average jump up into the high 60's or worse because some how you think that is how others judge your ability in this game, yet all the people you ask to play with could care less about your average.
Pretty sure you are the one with the limited thinking. Oh and if you want to play a match that is as close to stroke play without being ranked, just change the little option on stroke play to practice, then you can actually play a stroke play round without damaging your precious average.
Good luck to you in whatever it is you are trying to prove