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Tired of the freezing

rated by 0 users
Wed, Sep 25 2013 12:47 AM (6 replies)
  • Teamster174
    43 Posts
    Tue, Sep 24 2013 7:49 PM

    During play the swing meter will freeze and then unlock during the forward swing, making it impossible to make a solid hit.  The chip shot is a joke. Whatever the issue, I can not make a solid contact shot. I used to throw clubs, now I throw the mouse at the monitor.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Sep 24 2013 8:55 PM

    Use a cable mouse.

    First step on meter stutters, don't click. Repeat the shot after some (10) seconds of rest, rest on top of the backswing, too. This may or may not work.

    Chips with Starter clubs are a PITA. Complete your set with two or three of them, e.g. lvl 40 Ping @200 crs.


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Tue, Sep 24 2013 10:10 PM

    Have you tried a different browser? Those things don't happen to most players on here.

  • Teamster174
    43 Posts
    Tue, Sep 24 2013 10:48 PM

    Still using Explorer.  Might try another. This is getting very frustratring. Abot t giv up on this whole site.  Seems fixed.  Close shots wont fall.  And, a common distance on shot after shot are not the same.  Even the key pad response while writing this message does not respond to key strokes. 

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Sep 24 2013 11:09 PM

    Quite a few problems have been reported concerning IE.

    Try Maxthon 3 (three! not Cloud) which will be Courteney's proposal, or Comodo. Firefox and Chrome are further candidates.

  • DannyMcFly
    100 Posts
    Wed, Sep 25 2013 12:32 AM

    From not very popular browsers, I would recommend Avant browser, it has 3 engines u can use Chrome, Firefox, IE in one, you can switch by one click and try in which one game is smoother. I found in this browser with Chrome engine game very smooth, better than Maxthon. For older PC and not so powerful - FlashPeak Slimboat (my current browser on my old laptop) very simple and without advanced options, RAM and Processor use is half less using this one compared to Maxthon.

  • 19robert55
    42 Posts
    Wed, Sep 25 2013 12:47 AM

    Same here shots go way long and into the water.  I not talking a short long but 40 + yrds.  The inconsistency of the shot varies so my to the point its not even close to what you think it should be usually when your are having a real good game.  Makes for a bad day to golf.  I notice that when logging in if the game is not responding or slow  to my key strokes I just as well not play because game is so messed up.  Ill wait a few hours and try again..  Please don't right it off as computer bad ect... its only on this sight that I have any problems at all.  I love the game but not happy with the inconsistency of the game load.