Tonto0206:Can you tell me how to locate the URL of the background image please. I tried right clicking and looking at the page source - no luck
To get the background image URL in Chrome (maybe the same in other browsers but not sure), right click on the background picture area and from the context menu (right click menu) select 'inspect element'. You will then see a bunch of HTML code which contains the information you need. If you don't want to scan through it to find the background URL then here it is...
...there are eight different background images as far as I know and each one has a slightly different URL. If you locate the 'jpg' in the URL above, there is a '1' in front of it. The others are numbered 2 through to 8.
If you have an adblock program or something similar to remove images and ads from webpages then you can try adding these URLs to that programs filter list. You might have to add all eight URLs or you could try replacing the number in front of the 'jpg' with a wildcard character, such as an asterisk * to avoid having to put in eight separate URLs.
Donsprintr, I don't know anything about McAfee, but it may have some kind of adblock or antibanner feature within it. I guess in this case a google search would help or maybe download an adblock type of program if you really don't want the background.
oneeyedjohn:BTW Scott, I did the scroll screen shot but it only went as far as BTB's post, not completely all the way ??
Hi John, it took me quite a while to work out how to get the scoll feature working properly but I think I've got it now. I'll PM you with some tips to save clogging up this thread.