I have worked hard over the past week or two to finally get my ave down where it was respectable (67.1) since becoming Master. This was after a 33 on St George. Ok I thought.. back on track.
I played St Andrew' s front and made a bad shot on the last hole.. and only made a 34 (68 when doubled) My ave went up to 67.5!! In one game? Ok.. so we start over.. LOL
I played St A's Back 9 next.. and scored a respectable 32 (respectable for me at least). This would equal 64 doubled. My ave went down .5 to 67.45??? I don't get it.
I know how to take averages.. but it seems to me that at 67.1 that one game at 68 (One over the 67 ave) brings me up to 67.5, and another at 64 3 under the ave) only brings me down .5 doesn't make sense. Am I missing something?
I don't know exactly how many games I have played at Master.. but I must be getting close to 50. Maybe someone could explain how this works for me and why the "seeming" discrepancy?