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I don't get it..

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Wed, Oct 2 2013 11:07 PM (8 replies)
  • BushcraftOnFire
    3,325 Posts
    Fri, Sep 27 2013 9:09 PM

    I have worked hard over the past week or two to finally get my ave down where it was respectable (67.1) since becoming Master. This was after a 33 on St George. Ok I thought.. back on track.

    I played St Andrew' s front and made a bad shot on the last hole.. and only made a 34 (68 when doubled) My ave went up to 67.5!! In one game? Ok.. so we start over.. LOL

    I played St A's Back 9 next.. and scored a respectable 32 (respectable for me at least). This would equal 64 doubled. My ave went down .5 to 67.45??? I don't get it.

    I know how to take averages.. but it seems to me that at 67.1 that one game at 68 (One over the 67 ave) brings me up to 67.5, and another at 64 3 under the ave) only brings me down .5 doesn't make sense. Am I missing something?

    I don't know exactly how many games I have played at Master.. but I must be getting close to 50. Maybe someone could explain how this works for me and why the "seeming" discrepancy?




  • imnotthere
    7 Posts
    Fri, Sep 27 2013 9:20 PM

    I'm not sure but I have heard that WGT has changed the handicap system, in order to stop 'sand-bagging' - maybe this explains the 'funny' movement with your score/handicap ?)

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Fri, Sep 27 2013 9:25 PM

    Just add up all your Master scores and divide...don't worry about a game here or there, just look at total games (I think you are just under 50 by a quick count in your score history) this assumes no MP or RG wins.

  • BushcraftOnFire
    3,325 Posts
    Fri, Sep 27 2013 9:27 PM

    Thanks MB.. I was just guessing on my games :) appreciate your response.


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, Oct 2 2013 9:55 AM

    You saturated your average on Sep. 25. From 26th on, better scores will (have) eliminate(d) higher scores, the jumps depend on the difference between both and are only predictable when knowing all(!) ranked scores in the tier.

    The ave. will only go down now (in contrast to your report).

    You had one 37, a few 36s and a bunch of 35s. "Eating" the high scores causes big jumps - the best indication for a saturation. This will level out and the "bites" from the average will decrease as the high numbers fall out of the equation.

    BTW: including two games of today (Oct. 01), you have 56 ranked Master rounds now.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Oct 2 2013 10:05 AM

    It's best not to worry about them. Just enjoy the game and let everything else sort itself out.

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Wed, Oct 2 2013 3:25 PM

    If u have ambitions for Legend and higher, then the important stage to nurse ur average is when reaching Tour Master, there I would recommend u play 20 or so rounds on ur favourite course and settle in on a nice low average that u can maintain until TM saturation is reached ( 50 rounds )

    Remember the Bo3's & Bo5's don't count.

  • filmslayer
    2,341 Posts
    Wed, Oct 2 2013 3:35 PM

    if your going to play long term , just don't worry about it ... my avg shot to 70 when i first made legend , but when i saturated and replaced 46's with 31's my avg dropped like a stone .. i'm now working towards be coming the worst Tour Legend ever ... 

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, Oct 2 2013 11:07 PM


    Only the best scores count for tiering up - there was no 65 score in my final TM average, no 66 as a Master.

    1i's proposal is good for the ego - sign in to an unlimited before tiering up and continue to play under the easier conditions - but hardly any of these scores will be relevant for the next step.