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tourney advice sought

rated by 0 users
Thu, Oct 3 2013 11:12 PM (7 replies)
  • Turtletoto
    311 Posts
    Thu, Oct 3 2013 3:11 PM

    Was just wondering is it possible to set up a c c tourney but just invite certain players from with in the c c. Before u all go off abt that bein unfair and crap please understand we have heaps of members but they dont do much there is abt maybe 16 - 22 that join in the games and our chat room. So i thought it would be good to just have an invitational type tourney and put up a prize or something as a way of rewarding these people that put into our  c c.

    Every club has deadwood that just dont want to get involoved i personally dont understand this so any thoughts would be greatly appreciated

    thank you  

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Thu, Oct 3 2013 4:30 PM


    as far as I know it's impossible to do with CC toolset. Maybe down the line, although I have no idea right now.


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Thu, Oct 3 2013 9:43 PM

    Why not set up a match-play tournament for your good members? And not all clubs have deadwood, just kick them out.

  • Talluin
    257 Posts
    Thu, Oct 3 2013 10:48 PM

    Pretty much as Courteney said, remove the deadwood.  I've just set up Southern, well, a little over a month old now and if i wasn't so strict on activity we'd have well over 50 members.  As it stands, we have around 25-30 members all who are incredibly active.

    Having non active members in your country club does nothing for your CC.  just politely message them why you're removing them and say they are welcome to re-apply to your club when they have more time to actually be a part of the set up!


  • Turtletoto
    311 Posts
    Thu, Oct 3 2013 11:12 PM

    Thankyou very much icon and courteney appreciate ur input.

    Maybe its time to weild the axe

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Fri, Oct 4 2013 12:09 AM


  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Fri, Oct 4 2013 12:14 AM

    Yep, in my book, a month of inactivity pretty much makes u ineligible to remain a member.

    Most CC's operate that way.

    My CC is extremely small, but very active and fiercely competitive, we have several members who always figure on the weekly leaderboards, but nonetheless, we still don't have a 100% turnout for all our comps.

    Since I joined I believe I have entered every competition put up, virtually

  • acebishop
    116 Posts
    Fri, Oct 4 2013 5:45 AM

    Your preaching to the choir Bro.  I would encourage the powers to be to shed the deadwood. We have a great core group, just need to get more members active for sure. 

    Your one of the good ones.


    PS Get active or get the Dormie Virus!!!