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Legend Quitters

rated by 0 users
Fri, Oct 4 2013 4:34 AM (4 replies)
  • coolpar
    152 Posts
    Thu, Oct 3 2013 5:20 PM

    Really getting tired of Legends who hit a couple consecutive bad shots in stroke play and promptly disconnect.............  seems to be on the increase.

  • Sca63
    203 Posts
    Thu, Oct 3 2013 6:10 PM

    I agree but the problem is not limited to Legend tier players. Wish ALL quitters would at least do so properly instead of sending the rest of the group to the Lobby for the full clock.

    Would be great if WGT could come up with a full proof way of having quitters lose a ball from their inventory for quitting a game but can't see how WGT could do that. Jerks will be jerks....

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Thu, Oct 3 2013 6:25 PM


    Really getting tired of Legends who hit a couple consecutive bad shots in stroke play and promptly disconnect.............  seems to be on the increase.


    All tiers have that. Pretty silly but it's the way it is.

  • fairground11
    1,211 Posts
    Fri, Oct 4 2013 3:40 AM


    I agree but the problem is not limited to Legend tier players. Wish ALL quitters would at least do so properly instead of sending the rest of the group to the Lobby for the full clock.

    Would be great if WGT could come up with a full proof way of having quitters lose a ball from their inventory for quitting a game but can't see how WGT could do that. Jerks will be jerks....

    they couldnt do it because only the quitter knows if they have just simply quit or had connection problems


  • AntonioBunkeras
    262 Posts
    Fri, Oct 4 2013 4:34 AM

    Just don't play with players tagged with a yellow tick.