Donnie is right here, the starter wedges really aren't very helpful. Unfortunately, you are about at the stage in your WGT journey when you have to decide just how much this obsession called WGT is worth to you. You can spend your money to upgrade equipment & thus lower scores (faster method) OR devote time to watching videos & doing surveys to earn credits to be spent on equipment (slower method - but proven to work).
The fact remains that, in order to lower your scores, you will have to upgrade equipment. Now, occasionally, you will read some "legends' brag that they never spent a penny of their own money here (I can't make that statement) and I doubt that the vast majority of players have opened their wallets in order to improve.
Advice from an older player, read the forums about clubs and balls before running out and buying them. (Like a fool) I jumped on the 600 cr "Max Slow Meter Balls" before realizing that - with a little practice, I could use the 250 cr Callaways more effectively. Also, unless you've got 'credits' burning a hole in your keyboard, wait until there are "Free Rental Weekends" to try better clubs -
Smile, you cannot make a living here and if it isn't fun - well - it isn't really worth doing!!