I have seen this term mentioned a few times in the forums, talking about reading the break on putts. I also know the definition of apex means the "highest point", so I guess the point is to try to find the highest point of the break of a particular putt. This doesn't seem any different than just the usual moving the aim marker for compensation, based on one's experience reading the breaks. Just don't see how one can find the highest point , or is it something you just try to vizualize,but doesn't really exsist?
I would say it exists but there is no set apex for putt because it'll depend on the line you take and speed you hit it as... to me I read apex statement as different.
Apex is something I want to reach when reading complex putts because of the change in break or slope... for example:
Say you have a 30ft putt thats 3-4inches up first 15up and then 5-6 inches down last 15ft... well apex is the point where putt starts to go down and break, so your goal is to get to that point with a specific speed.
That 30ft putt may show you from ball to hole as being 1 down, but you have to treat it as different, since it has 2 parts that are vastly different... you just want to reach the apex with bare speed and let it go downhill on it's own... by reaching with bare speed, it will break much more.
So, your goal is this: if your overall break is 1 box when you read putt from ball to hole, then by reaching apex with minimal speed required to reach the hole, your break in last 15ft now could be 2 boxes.
If you hit that putt with speed you think from ball to hole, without looking at slope and apex, you will likely be 6-8by the hole.
30ft example is a simple one... you can easily use this on 100ft putts and such :)