josephk2317:Just curious if I could copy and paste these notes to my own WGT note book. If so I would like to try it as well.
Hey Josephk,
Sorry for the confusion. This is a spreadsheet and does not include any notes. You can use it to enter your own notes and can do the windows copy/paste feature from notes you have into the "Notes" or "Outcome" areas within the form. Just use the older [Ctrl]+[Ins] to copy and [Shift]+[Ins] to paste ... the [right mouse-click] will not bring up a menu ... just like WGT's notebook.
Sending friend invite. Accept and I'll send you the thread.
To all (29 Dec, 2014) ...
I'm adding the link to the notebook on the first page of this thread at the bottom of the original post.
Kat ♥