GARRYCARTER:I do not know much about computers so would it be easy for me to use ?
Hi GC,
My uncle is an "ol'" programmer of 35+ years. While writing the notes program, he kept preaching, "make sure it's easy enough for anyone to use, if you're going to share it."
So, IMO, it's easy as (pumpkin) pie! Completely menu and form driven. Fields to enter data, and if you use the approach and putting calculators, distances, elevation, wind speed and wind direction are transferred to the notes form automatically. Courses are selected with a "pull-down combobox", or you can type a few characters and the field will prefill with the course name. Club selection and shot type are also pull-down combo boxes.
I'm a lazy computer user ... so I pretty much wrote this for me. While the notes entry is extremely detailed, entry to the form is extremely easy.
Just a quick reminder ... the approach and putting calculators were written for me by my uncle. I wrote everything else. It requires Excel version 2007 or greater to run on Windows platform computers or Excel version 2011 for the Mac.
I'll send you a friend invite, GC. Accept it and I'll send you the link!
Kat ♥