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Internet Connection Problems

rated by 0 users
Fri, Sep 3 2010 6:20 AM (12 replies)
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  • Bluenose12
    2,101 Posts
    Sun, Aug 29 2010 1:31 PM

    Has anyone here that uses Firefox ever had a problem with their Internet connection cutting off during Matchplay matches?

                                                                It started with me noticing my Broadband Speed had dropped from it's normal 5 to 6 mb down to between 1.2 and 2.4 mb,I am assuming that my ISP has done this for some reason.Anyway,since this happened I can't seem to complete any Matchplay games without my connection dropping.

    I changed to using the Google Chrome browser tonight and have played a couple of 9 hole single player games without trouble.I haven't managed to arrange a Matchplay game yet to test if it'll cut off or not.

    After I played the stroke play matches I went back onto to Firefox,started a Matchplay game and I got as far as warning my opponent that my connection was causing me problems and teeing off then it cut off.Tomorrow I will try a Match in Chrome to see if it works.I will hold off contacting my ISP to see if my line speed comes back up to normal at the end of the month,I'm thinking they might have strangled my connection because I downloaded quite a bit this month,they usually send a warning e-mail if I'm downloading too much though.

    Anyway,I'm going to bed now,my head is well and truly done in with this.

  • VanHalenLover
    1,422 Posts
    Sun, Aug 29 2010 1:49 PM


    You did not say what kind of broadband you are using, but generally a cable connection 'actual speed' can vary depending on time of day and congestion. DSL will have similar results, but generally are less drastic than cable.

    You might also check in to your particular agreement with them. Most broadband connections are unlimited, so how much bandwidth you use is typically not monitored, but if your agreement has a clause about the amount of data exchange, this might be your issue. If they are sending you warnings as you stated in regards to the amount you are downloading, this would support that.

    I use Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer (as rarely as possible) as well as several other browsers, and notice very little differences in rated internet speeds. Google Chrome and Firefox seem to work best with this game, and if you don't already do it, you might want to try launching the game client directly in its own window using the link to the game client, as opposed to using the 'play now' button, which launches the game in a new pop-up window.

    Click Here and bookmark the url in your favorites/bookmarks for the link to launch the game in the main window.


  • Bluenose12
    2,101 Posts
    Sun, Aug 29 2010 2:10 PM

    My Broadband is ADSL,it's an unlimited downloads account I have but if I go over a huge amount of downloading,say 60 GB I will get an e-mail telling me I have went over the acceptable limit for the month and warned if I do the same the next month they will cut my speed to 1MB for a period of time.I have only ever had two of these warnings in the 5 years I've had my account.

     Thanks for the bookmark link,I will try that tomorrow,I joined WGT at the end of May this year and used Firefox all that time without bother but my line speed was normal all tha time until Thursday this week when I noticed it was 2.5,tonight it was only 1.1,I have no clue why this is.Anyone with any experience of phoning BT Broadband  Helpline will understand my reluctance to phone them.I will wait to see if my line speed comes up again.I did send BT an e-mail asking why my line speed was so slow,I await a reply.

  • VanHalenLover
    1,422 Posts
    Mon, Aug 30 2010 6:40 AM


    It sounds like they advertised it as unlimited, but if they caution you for how much you download, that doesn't sound like it to me. If there is an acceptable limit to the month, then it doesn't sound like it either.

    That to me sounds like they may be throttling back your bandwidth, and I would wait to hear from them to see what they say.

    If that doesn't work, take a look at this nifty little program that helps to adjust your settings and optimize your connection/speed (assumes you are on a windows based machine). Depending on your current settings, this can make a huge improvement, or none at all; but all the changes can be easily reverted back if you choose. I've never had to undo anything this programs tweaks.



  • Bluenose12
    2,101 Posts
    Mon, Aug 30 2010 1:43 PM

    I phoned my ISP today and they are not throttling my connection.They are sending an engineer to my home tomorrow.My speed is down to a whopping 350 kbps.


    Thanks for your replies VHL.

  • mrshazam
    126 Posts
    Mon, Aug 30 2010 2:57 PM

    I play golf every day the weather I age,,,I've lost  elements of my game,,,yet I understand that tomorrow is not predicted by todays play...Yet,,, WGT ,,,lacks the true realism of real golf,,,because I've played enogh,,,that I can predict the out-come of my next shot,,,every hole,,, every club ,,, what ever decision I make ,,, I can tell you pretty much the outcome of my next shot,,,so tell me,,,how does practice change that? How does an investment of new clubs and balls going to change,,,in real life,,,when I play,,,I have a good idea what my choice of play will bring ,,, yet the fickleness of the game ,,, will allow for a random result,,,random here,,,no way,,,game is structured to a piont,,,that seldom will my result vary...That that has no bearing on well I play...So in the end,,,WGT,,,controls my play,,,practice will not change that...Its a sorry mess this site,,,and you do not have the knowledge to fix this monster.... Your ball always pulled that bunker,,,the par fives,,,come off it,,,your % has no bearing,,,its pre-distended...All to obvious...Get your head out of your butt,,,and your hands out of our pockets,,,set up the game,,,where your rewarded for decent play,,,not the same ole ***,,,different day...I would be embarassed if my company was built on such a weak structure.

  • VanHalenLover
    1,422 Posts
    Mon, Aug 30 2010 7:18 PM

    You are most welcome Bluenose12, hope they get it figured out!

  • Bluenose12
    2,101 Posts
    Thu, Sep 2 2010 8:00 AM

    Well,this is strange,My internet connection was sorted yesterday,the speed is back up,I played two matches yesterday with no problem.Today though I started to play in a three ball match and my connection dropped on the first green.When I think back on this I only ever remember it dropping when I am playing WGT and only when playing against other players.I seem able to play single player games most of the time without any trouble but as soon as I want to play others my connection drops.I am just about ready to give up playing WGT because of this.My ISP told me my line speed might fluctuate for a week because they reset my line and will take time for it to settle down but they never said the line would intermittently drop out.

    I have really enjoyed playing WGT and have been on it every day since the end of May but if this persists it'll be only single player games for me and I'll probably tire of that.

  • VanHalenLover
    1,422 Posts
    Thu, Sep 2 2010 10:09 AM


    It is not uncommon for DSL service to go through this break-in period, I would bet that once you pass that one-week period everything will be back to normal. Leave the modem on 24/7 for that first week, then make sure to power it down and back on, and you should be good to go.

  • Bluenose12
    2,101 Posts
    Thu, Sep 2 2010 12:26 PM

    Thanks again VHL for being the only person who cares lol.

    I am indeed going to leave the router/modem on for the whole week,it is doing my head in though,I really hope it will settle down after the week.

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