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putting help

rated by 0 users
Sun, Dec 1 2013 7:20 AM (5 replies)
  • 88vettebob
    48 Posts
    Sat, Nov 30 2013 8:11 AM

    When lining up a long putt that has a large break, how do you figure out how far to move the target right or left.  Most times I just guess and it works out ok, but others I miss by a mile and end up with another tough putt coming back.  Thanks for any help.


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, Nov 30 2013 9:12 AM

    We all do a bit of guessing on the long ones but practice helps your guessing.

  • Lobsterboy
    4,729 Posts
    Sat, Nov 30 2013 10:55 AM

    When lining up a long putt that has a large break, how do you figure out how far to move the target right or left. 

    I personally use the reverse view and put the marker between the hole and the ball and move it out until it looks how the ball will travel.

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Sat, Nov 30 2013 3:08 PM

    Just try to find a point halfway along where u think the ball will get to, and plot the remaining half as best u can. In other words split the putt into two halves.

  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Sun, Dec 1 2013 3:27 AM

    I found lately, go to reverse view, set your aimer for the last 4 boxes, then back to the original view and do the same from the new point, so all your setting up for is the first and last 4 boxes, gets pretty close , just needs tweaking a little .

  • 88vettebob
    48 Posts
    Sun, Dec 1 2013 7:20 AM

    I always use the reverse view, just didn't know if there was some formula for figuring out how far to move the target.  Breaking it down into smaller segments may help.  Thanks for the replies.
