It's nice to have a "forum". And I like WGT's graphics. But so many glitches and quirks and irritations, just venting a bit - then the pet peeve - - - Read for fun only!
1) Loading problems - hamsters on meth! WGT server contract is awful, too.
2) Meter lock ups, meter stuttering, and meter smooth - but continues well after click and then actually stops an inch or two later - on its own. No hands on the machinery at all.
3) You can't type normal speed, as the system will regularly miss letters. Not MY system....this is the only site with the problem. (added this after typing forum - since I had to go back and put in about 20 letters that did not type on screen with first click)... I just wrote a book (160 pages) - and I (not the computer) missed fewer letters by 1/2 the number in this little forum piece, lol.
4) Alt shot game problems;
a] Top listed player sees 3 (sometimes 2) players, when 4 are signed in - therefore - you can't start; OR - starter sees 4 and chooses, then other team "capt." has no choice option pop (usually because HE/SHE can't see all 4 players);
b] one player disconnects - you return to lobby and while waiting, wgt will step in and say "your partner did not return in time" and forfeit you...with 1:05 (example) left on the timer; or - 3 of you are waiting, and your partner, still pending a return, timer running, does NOT return, and the WGT pop-in will read (with plenty of time on timer) "You or your partner have forfeited..." or "Your partner has forf...." and that's it! lol
c] WGT pop up will say "you or your partner forfeited..." regardless of it not being YOU(irritating only);
d] after the completion of a game to conclusion, i.e. 3&2, the next info window, be it that day, or a week later, will read that your team or the other "forfeited" the match, lol - just funny;
e] your play may be frozen or received by WGT as ~non-functioning(?), e.g. disconnected - but you don't know it because you are watching a timer tick down on another player's shot...all appears normal, and the timer runs to :00. NORMALLY, it then says "playername's time expired" followed by "warning" etc. BUT sometimes it just sits here on :00. Nothing happens. You can type in the chat box, but no one will answer because you are not connected(?) - and you have to close and rejoin the game;
f] You join an alt shot game, see your name go into one of the open slots, turn green (ready), then you disappear from screen, but you remain in the player's set up window, can type in the chat box - other players can respond, but NO ONE can see you listed any more, LOL;
g] WGT will occasionally lock out an alt shot that is attempting to begin (no other players enter the game for more than 1 minute, even though EVERY time you leave and go to join another - players are flying in and out, so you know plenty are available in the general player search). It is painfully obvious that the WGT machinery has stopped "searching for players". This is typically accompanied by those slot(s) being gray shadow boxes with no indication of a search, but it sometimes will also bring in players to those gray voids, so you can not know for sure and have to just sit and wait.
Just imagine WGT, when you review this - how many more ads you could run, if you fixed glitches to let games begin. I kept stats the other day - was 22-7-2. 22 attempts to join an alt shot game. 7 game starts. 2 games played to completion (player disconnections the other 5). This DOES NOT count games in which after I joined - I was "removed to the lobby". And now for my game programming PET PEEVE of the year (for 2 reasons):
Situation: cross wind. You aim to adjust (even 20-25 feet off the flag) with, for our example, a 5 iron. The software should have NO IDEA where the flag is, in terms of the club used and the ball being struck. All it should know - is where you aimed the shot on the screen's hole layout. IF you strike the "excellent" meter line (the ding, as some say), your shot will (most of the time) begin its flight directly AT THE FLAG...or PULL hard...and your shot is screwed. (Typically does not push, in this error). The "excellent" shot then sucks. That's reason 1. Reason 2 that this is my PET PEEVE, is that I wrote WGT and asked about this apparent programming glitch. Their answer was that this is considered "normal variance" because that "happens in real golf".
So, if I ask Phil or Tiger, Jack or Tom, Arnold or Gary, Sam or Ben...."Okay, when you pull the right club out of your bag, choose your line and your distance (swing strength), play the wind, and then make your best swing with best contact (can't do BETTER than the ding), and you yank pull your shot on a dead line 40 feet into the rough opposite side from where you aimed it, or you aimed 35 feet right of the flag, but your shot (hit perfectly) started at the flag and blew way off that a regular or normal variant of play? The answer is "no way". They would tell you that they did NOT make an excellent swing. They closed the face, or got out of sycn on the dowswing, or caught the heel, or whatever....their is NO SUCH thing as the best swing you can make - yanking hard left, or pushing a mile right or starting WAY off the line chosen, or whatever. Misjudge wind? Sure, but the ball starts on the line you wanted when you have "dinged" it. Remember...the meter says that this is the BEST you can do as a human being swinging a club. It TICKS me off that I mess up the efforts of my teammate, when I hit the best shot I can hit, and it goes well astray just because the software reads a "ding" as a shot that should start dead at a flag or be yank pulled, even though the club & ball have no eyes, and have NO CLUE where the flag is. Players do, but not the equipment! (BTW, I have can make the software surrender that program if you aim 50+ feet offline - - I guess it finally gives up at that point, lol). Now drivers follow the more correct scenario with the ding. It's the mid-irons where the problem is so prevalent.
NOTE: You may notice that I was fairly specific, but WGT will read this, and if you leave ANYTHING open to interpretation - there is near ZERO chance of being understood, so the overkill is for them (and it's still not detailed enough). It's like trying to work out a problem of any kind with outsourced customer service in India. Hope you got a laugh or two out of this. Not looking for answers, just having some long overdue fun. Keep on swinging it, to the extent WGT allows.