In defense of those who gnaw, kick & scream to return to that game and unable to. I've
witnessed far to many times the fustration of someone trying to return before the time limit, 1 or 17 holes left to play doesn't matter to those who want play the whole round. I myself, ( and I'm sure i'm not alone) don't know the how's and whys or of the glitzs that occur whether at your end, mine or WGT's, all i know is that IT HAPPENS . To put the sore loser, poor sport, the unsportspersonlike or just plain WEAK in the same catagory with the real sportsmined but frustrated is totally unfair & unjust. But one must remember this is a game, if we were at an actual course and one left early (only two excuses accepted) you could fire a few balls at him when he scurried away and vow never to play with him again! Unfortunately we;re looking at a screen whether at home,office.......along with the above listed above s... happens. WGT has done an amazing job bringing this game to us , so for THOSE who intentionally disconnect, do us all a favor, STAY DISCONNECTED and for all others, GAME ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!