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Disconnect Freezes Game

rated by 0 users
Sun, Feb 23 2014 8:32 AM (5 replies)
  • StarrGazerr
    1 Posts
    Tue, Dec 10 2013 5:02 AM

    I've noticed recently that if a player disconnects from a game when it is that player's turn, the game tends to freeze up completely, forcing others to eventually quit the game and, I am told, incur a "disconnect penalty".  This can be especially frustrating when there are three players in a competitive match and the fourth has fallen far behind, then that fourth player quits on the seventh or eighth hole, thus depriving the other three of the satisfaction of finishing the game.

    If you're in the midst of a game and you have to (or choose to) leave before the end, PLEASE don't disconnect when it is your turn.  Your fellow golfers will greatly appreciate it.


  • borntobesting
    9,772 Posts
    Tue, Dec 10 2013 11:52 AM

    Starr, players have known for years that disconnecting on your  turn freezes the game for everyone else. I feel that most of the one who do it do it intentionally to freeze the game. The if I can't win, no one is going to finish the game syndrome.

  • TimTitalist
    12 Posts
    Tue, Dec 10 2013 12:55 PM

    IMO: The proper way to leave a game if your feed up or you have to leave for whatever reason, is to wait for your turn go to game options and forfeit. I have not seen this disrupt the game for the remaining players. An I'm sorry gotta go is also nice.

  • littlesmac
    20 Posts
    Tue, Dec 10 2013 2:05 PM

    In defense of those who gnaw, kick & scream to return to that game and unable to. I've

    witnessed far to many times the fustration  of someone trying to return before the time limit, 1 or 17 holes left to play doesn't matter to those who want play the whole round. I myself, ( and I'm sure i'm not alone) don't know the how's and whys or of the glitzs that  occur whether at your end, mine or WGT's, all i know is that  IT HAPPENS . To put the sore loser, poor sport, the unsportspersonlike or just plain WEAK in the same catagory with the real sportsmined but frustrated is totally unfair & unjust. But one must remember this is a game, if we were at an actual course and one left early (only two excuses accepted) you could fire a few balls at him when he scurried away and vow never to play with him again!  Unfortunately we;re looking at a screen whether at home,office.......along with the above listed above s... happens. WGT has done an amazing job bringing this game to us , so for THOSE who intentionally disconnect, do us all a favor,  STAY DISCONNECTED and for all others, GAME ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Dooble1
    462 Posts
    Sun, Feb 23 2014 8:32 AM