Can you delete what you have already written.
I write something for a paticular hole in a ctth.... the next time I play it in simular conditions using the same club... can I delete my last comment and write the new one.
If it's 500 characters per page and I'm writing new info for a hole then the page will fill up fast.
Are spaces counted. This post must be close to 200 c's
A space is a character. So is the Carriage Return, but it usually stores 2 characters (Carriage Return + Line Feed).
I'd suggest if you want to keep detailed notes from what I've read so far, you'll probably want to use a form of computer shorthand, and keep your notes as general as possible. Avoid describing distance to pin, elevation, wind speed, wind direction or club used for that matter. "R/S/P" instead of "stay right and short of the pin", if space becomes an issue. 2 pages, or 1000 characters should be plenty of space for general notes. Just avoid getting too detailed.