geraldlarousse: So buying level up candy bars and boost is not cheating?? lol See where i'm going here.
Is it cheating? Well, the crux of that matter is what you mean, what concept you, geraldlarousse, are signifying by the word "cheating."
Some people may argue,
"What is wrong with Major League Baseball players using steroids and other performance enhancing drugs, everyone is doing it. No one is cheating anyone, it is a level playing field because everyone is doing it."
The same can be said of Lance Armstrong. Was he cheating? I've heard that just about every cyclist was doing some form of "doping." It depends on what you mean by "cheating."
Question: Does an activity become "cheating" when only one person of a large group of people is refraining from using an exploit or "cheat"? Must there be a majority of people using the "cheat" for the "cheat" not to be a "cheat"?
If no one else (or at least a vast majority of others) used any kind of doping, then Armstrong was cheating. However, if everyone (or simply a slim majority) used some form of doping (even if it wasn't the exact kind as Armstrong's), then Armstrong was not cheating.
If the answer is, "there needs to be a majority of people doing the suspected cheating activity for it to no longer be legitimately considered cheating; the majority of people need to be cheating for cheating to not be cheating" then, what happens in the interim period during which the populous is still in the process of being swayed to the majority of people doing the suspected cheating activity? Were all of those people who were doing the activity up until the point of majority cheaters too?
If we are not very careful to definitely define what "cheating" is, we may create an environment where the de facto situation in society (i.e., our specific neighborhoods) becomes one where we don't even understand what "cheating" is. Basically, in the operating guidelines of the youth and many adults, "cheating" (whatever understanding it was that previously existed in our minds) won't even exist anymore because we have clouded the issue so much with no boundaries or limits.
Even though we understand better, the de facto answer can easily become:
every action by anyone anywhere is permitted solely because we "don't see anything wrong."
geraldlarousse: Really to be honest i don't see anything wrong with it. Some say this is cheating...... how so??
(emphasis added )
So, depending on your definition of the word "cheating," it may not be "cheating." But, is there "anything wrong?"
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