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In game messaging system

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Tue, Dec 31 2013 12:09 AM (11 replies)
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  • alexk345
    1,148 Posts
    Sat, Dec 28 2013 8:35 PM

    Why WGT not implementing in game messaging system? At present i need to open browser and click send message button and many steps...can i chat directly or i can message people say i wait until u finish game?.

    Seriously WGT ...start implementing in game messaging

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, Dec 28 2013 9:59 PM

    Still needing eh? Why would WGT implement it's own system when there are lots of options already? Teamspeak and Ventrilo work well. You just know if WGT brought in their own system the meter would go haywire.

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Sun, Dec 29 2013 12:05 AM

    So you want to be able to send a message to someone while you're playing a solo round?  Please enlighten us, how do you envisage this messaging system working?  You can open a message system while playing?  What's wrong with just opening WGT in a separate tab or browser and messaging from there?

    I'm trying not to be too sarcastic but given the other issues that need to be addressed here (like making messages work properly again) this seems like a very low priority to me.

  • alexk345
    1,148 Posts
    Sun, Dec 29 2013 4:24 PM

    All options are time consuming and taking urself away from game. Need to be in game so u play as well message people to get ready for whooping.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Dec 29 2013 5:34 PM

    Alex, I tend to agree but also disagree.

    Messaging along with many other non-game related features including the forums are antiquated and theoretically need to be revamped.

    But there is the problem - the current system does work, albeit in a cumbersome way. By changing it I fear the engineers will just compound issues and bugs, so I would prefer them to improve the game play.

    As pointed out, there are many third party solutions that can be used.

    IMHO WGT should stick to what it does best - the game itself and not diversify into the unknown and suck money away from the game development.

  • alexk345
    1,148 Posts
    Sun, Dec 29 2013 6:24 PM

    Messaging is just extension of chat. So i do not think there is any issue here to implement. 

    You type user name send message from top right corner. or just below chat box. Its pretty easy to implement


  • gawkle
    1 Posts
    Sun, Dec 29 2013 10:04 PM


    Messaging is just extension of chat. So i do not think there is any issue here to implement. 

    You type user name send message from top right corner. or just below chat box. Its pretty easy to implement


    By the way,the allowance for those who would abuse the gaming platform is simply an example of the lowest form of humanity displayed by those who believe they hold all the power. Should I ever be THE ONE who plays GOD with WGT I would SMITE all who disregard the golden rule. As owners and administrators of WGT, youse should take a deep care for those of US who would relish a fair playing field, and who take deep umbrage for being tranked by your coding dishonesty. The abomination of your arrogance will certainly engender  your downfall.

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Sun, Dec 29 2013 11:02 PM


    Messaging is just extension of chat. So i do not think there is any issue here to implement. 

    You type user name send message from top right corner. or just below chat box. Its pretty easy to implement

    So use the existing chat window, as if you were in a multi-player game?  Yes, that would be nice but I think Alan is right, by implementing that something else would go wrong.  You might also find yourself trying to converse with 20 people at once.

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Sun, Dec 29 2013 11:47 PM


    Messaging is just extension of chat. So i do not think there is any issue here to implement. 

    You type user name send message from top right corner. or just below chat box. Its pretty easy to implement

    It would probably be easy, if the messaging system wasn't still stuck in "BETA" mode.  Ever try sending a message to two or three friends at a time?  9 times out of 10, the system won't find all the friends you wish to contact.  Also, I'd assume the messaging system isn't accessible through the game client, so the code from the main login area would need to be ported over to the game client ap.

    I seriously doubt it would be as easy as you think, and could possibly cause more problems than benefits within the game client.

    I'm more for having WGT fix the current messaging system first as well as taking care of the other bugs that have cropped up since I started playing.  

  • SplashLewis
    375 Posts
    Mon, Dec 30 2013 8:42 AM

    I'd like to see an option to turn off chat and change the users name to a different color to indicate that they dont have chat enabled.

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