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Happy Birthday

Wed, Jul 1 2020 4:32 AM (1,330 replies)
  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Tue, Feb 18 2014 5:58 AM


    On this date in history ...

    In 1801, the US House of Representatives break the Electoral College tie and choose Thomas Jefferson as President of the United States (def. Aaron Burr)

    That is a beaut, close to my heart, Kat!

    February 18

    1516 - Mary Tudor, Queen of England & Ireland, daughter of Henry VIII & Catherine of Aragon. Over time she had 283 protestants executed (most burned alive) and earned the sobriquet "BLOODY MARY" that where the wonderful morning eye-opener was named for?

    1543 - Charles III, Duke of Lorraine

    1677 - Jacque Cassini, astronomer, son of Giovanni Cassini ( 4 moons & the division of Saturn's ring known as (what else?) the Cassini division.)

    1853 - August Belmont jr, Horse flesh of the very first order, "Man 'O War" & a very fine racetrack

    1895 - George "the Gipper" Gipp, football-Notre Dame

    1898 - Enzo Ferrari, into cars...very

    1945 - Judy Rankin, LPGA

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Tue, Feb 18 2014 6:22 AM

    1895 - George "the Gipper" Gipp, football-Notre Dame

    Made famous in the movie "Knute Rockne All-American" by actor and future President of the United States Ronald Reagan!

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Wed, Feb 19 2014 7:37 AM

    February 19

    1473 - Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish mathamatician & astronomer

    Known to have formulated a heliocentric model of the Universe that placed the Sun rather than Earth at the center. He spoke & read Latin, German, Polish, Greek and

    1683 - Philip V, King of Spain via birth at Versailles, House of Bourbon and son of Louis XIV

    1817 - Willem III, King of Netherlands (the last) and Grand Duke of Luxembourg. The NY Times called him "The greatest debaucher of the Age"

    1916 - Eddie Arcaro, jockey with 2 Triple Crowns

    1924 - Lee Marvin, NYC  a great actor and greater drinker

    1943 - "Mama" Cass Eliot ( Ellen Naomi Cohen)  The strong voice of the group "Mamas & Papas" rumored to have died by choking on a ham sandwich (at 300lbs, easy to believe), but it was her ticker that did the job.


  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Wed, Feb 19 2014 9:20 AM

    1943 - "Mama" Cass Eliot ( Ellen Naomi Cohen)  The strong voice of the group "Mamas & Papas"

    Thanks for picking Mama Cass SP!  That group and this song brings back memories...

    I was a teen, growing up in Chicago, and rode the CTA (bus) to high school.  It required a transfer to a 2nd bus line.  I'm at the transfer point waiting for the next bus, standing on a street corner during a Chicago winter, freezing my butt off. 

    On the same corner was a produce store that didn't mind if people waiting for a bus came into the store to keep warm. (as long as you occasionally bought an apple or grapes or something).  That day I went into the store to keep warm.  And on the radio was that song, California Dreamin', and oh how I wanted to live where it was warm.  15 years later I jumped at the chance to work in Arizona.

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Wed, Feb 19 2014 2:19 PM

    19 February,


    Roger Goodell (NFL Commissioner) is 55 ... he's hoping to make his age in millions this year!

    Coca Cola's "Cherry Coke" is 29 today

    Actors and Actresses:

    Victoria Justice is 21

    Jeff Daniels is 59

    Justine Bateman is 48

    Bellamy Young is 44


    Smokey Robinson (singer) is 74

    Seal (singer) is 51

    Mika Nakashima is 31

    and on this date in history:

    1807 - US Vice President Aaron Burr is arrested in Alabama for Treason (he's later acquitted)

    1906 - "Battle Creek Toasted Corn Flake Company" forms, headed by WK Kellog and Ch Bolin.  (bet you can't guess the new name of that company)

    1913 - the very first "prize" is added to a box of Cracker Jack.

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Thu, Feb 20 2014 7:04 AM

    February 20

    1507 - Gentile Bellini, Official portrait artist for the Doges of Venice

    1632 - Thomas Osborne, 1st Duke of Leeds

    1808 - Daumier, artist whose important work provides social commentary of 19th century France

    1902 - Ansel Adams, photographer

    1916 - Jackie Gleason, the great "Ralph Kramden"

    1924 - Gloria Vanderbilt, "poor little rich girl"

    Also - In 1792, President George Washington signed an act creating the U.S. Post Office

    1948 - Gerda Boykin, LPGA

    1951 - Bonnie Lauer, LPGA

    1964 - Jeff Maggert, PGA

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Fri, Feb 21 2014 6:41 AM

    February 21

    Trouble sinking my teeth...I am not getting jazzed...what? Perhaps Robert Mugabe 1924? or Givenchy 1927? better still, David Geffin? Thank goodness Geffin is 71. 1965, inside of the Audubon Ballroom, members of the Nation of Islam assassinated Malcom X

    other tiddy-bittys include the fact that in 1513, Pope Julius II, who commissioned Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, hit the deck four months after the completion of it...I hope he liked it...the painting, not the deck.

    In 1613, Mikhail Romanov, 16, became Russia's Czar starting a dynasty that lasted 300 years.

    In 1862, American slave-trader Nathaniel Gordon was fitted with a neck-tie made of rope in NYC.

    and, in 1885, the Washington Monument was dedicated.

    Best of All, I read every post in our Forum, under the title "Let's be Honest" and encourage everyone here to do likewise...pure gold. 

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Fri, Feb 21 2014 9:08 AM

    21 February,

    Mary Chapin Carpenter is 56

    Sam Peckinpah (1925 - 1984) 

    In the Actors/Actresses category,

    • Jennifer Love Hewitt is 35
    • Ellen Page is 27
    • Kelsey Grammer is 59
    • William Baldwin is 51

    Also on this date ...

    • In 1828, the "Cherokee Phoenix" is published.  It is the first US Bilingual publication (English and Cherokee Syllabary ... a written language developed by Sequoyah.
    • The US Mint is 222 today (1782)
    • The "New Yorker" magazine is 89 today (1925)
    • NASCAR, Inc. is 66 today (1948)
    • And F. Crick and J Watson discover the DNA Molecule structure.

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Sat, Feb 22 2014 5:32 AM

    February 22

                                    ~ 1732 - George Washington ~

                                         The Father of Our Country


              "First in War, First in Peace, First in the Hearts of His Countrymen"

    Have you ever wondered what he was really like? Of all that I have read I believe that Thomas Jefferson, in a letter written at Monticello to a Dr. Walter Jones dated January 2, 1814 gives the best accounting. He wrote...."I think I knew General Washington intimately and thoroughly; and were I called on to delineate his character, it should be in terms like these:                                                                                                                 

     "His mind was great and powerful, without being of the very first order; his penetration strong, though not so acute as that of a Newton, Bacon or Locke; and as far as he saw, no judgment was ever sounder. It was slow in operation, being little aided by invention or imagination, but sure in conclusion. Hence the common remark of his officers, of the advantage he derived from councils of war, where hearing all suggestions, he selected whatever was best; and certainly no general ever planned his battles more judiciously. But if deranged during the course of the action, if any member of his plan was dislocated by sudden circumstances, he was slow in re-adjustment. The consequence was, that he often failed in the field, and rarely against an enemy in station, as at Boston and York. He was incapable of fear, meeting personal dangers with the calmest unconcern. Perhaps the strongest feature in his character was prudence, never acting until every circumstance, every consideration, was maturely weighed; refraining if he saw a doubt, but, when once decided, going through with his purpose, whatever obstacles opposed. His integrity was most pure, his justice the most inflexible I have ever known, no motives of interest or consanguinity of friendship or hatred, being able to bias his decision. He was , indeed, in every sense of the words, a wise, a good, and a great man. His temper was naturally irritable and high toned; but reflection and resolution had obtained a firm and habitual ascendency over it. If, however, it broke its bonds, he was most tremendous in his wrath. In his expenses he was honorable, but exact; liberal in contributions to whatever promised utility; but frowning and unyielding on all visionary projects, and all unworthy calls on his charity. His heart was not warm in its affections; but he exactly calculated every man's value, and gave him a solid esteem proportioned to it. His person, you know, was fine, his stature exactly what one would wish, his deportment easy, erect and noble; the best horseman of his age, and the most graceful figure that could be seen on horseback. Although in the circle of his friends, where he might be unreserved with safety, he took a free share in conversation, his colloquial talents were not above mediocrity, possessing neither copiousness of ideas, nor fluency of words. In public, when called on for a sudden opinion, he was unready, short and embarrassed. Yet he wrote readily, rather diffusely, in an easy and correct style. This he had acquired by conversation with the world, for his education was merely reading, writing and common arithmetiic, to which he added surveying at a later day. His time was employed in action chiefly, reading little, and that only in agriculture and English history. His correspondence became necessarily extensive, and, with journalizing his agricultural proceedings, occupied most of his leisure hours within doors. On the whole, his character was, in its mass, perfect, in nothing bad, in few points indifferent; and it may truly be said, that never did nature and fortune combine more perfectly to make a man great, and to place him in the same constellation with whatever worthies have merited from man an everlasting remembrance. For his was the singular destiny and merit, of leading the armies of his country successfully through an arduous war, for the establishment of its independence; of conducting its councils through the birth of a government, new in its forms and principles,until it had settled down into a quiet and orderly train; and of scrupulously obeying the laws through the whole of his career, civil and military, of which the history of the world furnishes no other example"...

    If you wish to see better his looks, The Morgan Library shows in detail the face impression that Houdon took in the 1780s...go to the's very cool.

    ...and you may view it now in the fine Andyson post below ;-}

    Lily.....updated 2016 

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Sat, Feb 22 2014 4:11 PM

    George Washington is a tough act to follow ... but I'll do my best!

    22 February,

    PGA Golf professional, Vijay Singh is 51 today!

    Ted Kennedy (1932 - 2009) 

    Sparky Anderson (MLB Coach) - (1934 - 2010)

    Julius Erving (NBA) is 64


    • Drew Barrymore - 39
    • Steve Irvan (crocodile hunter) - (1962 - 2006)
    • Robert Young (1907- 1998)
    • Thomas Jane - 45
    • James Hong - 85

    On this date in history:

    • 1630 - American Indians introduce popcorn to the Pilgrims
    • 1821 - Spain sells (east) Florida to the US for $5 million
    • 1876 - John Hopkins University opens
    • 1879 - Woolworth opens its first 5 and dime
    • 1889 - the Dakotas (No and So), Montana and Washington become US States
    • 1900 - Hawaii becomes a US Territory