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My suggestions list

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Tue, Jan 7 2014 12:58 PM (0 replies)
  • alexk345
    1,148 Posts
    Tue, Jan 7 2014 12:58 PM

    Game improvement not neccessarily revenue making suggestion

    1. Live view of Top players match play ( like ladder games in other games) - example - observer view in Guildwars game

    2. Two putting marker in  practice game so putting can be practices. One for simulating hole and another for direction.

    3. 3D slope of green ( i know in real world caddy have notes of green ) - but we are lazy people so i need that. 

    4. I like to have audience with claps for my best shots. I always play when people watching so virtual audience even if it is fake make game look good, Audience should be random not same animated characters  Especially for Open courses.

    5. Active screen for each player during multi player games

    7. New average system and lowest average should not be below than real world average. I call it form average. Its last 50 game average even if its bad score. Also include current average system. I know we do not want people quitting but it can be fixed by mimicing their worst score on hole and duplicate rest of the way. This is like hardcore game average. No one will dare to quit after that. But what about WGT disconnection? I believe those player disconnected should be allowed to continue solo to finish their games.

    8.  In game messaging system so i can get people without leaving game.

    ..more coming