Corwyn: Match A :: appears to be set for US players' Saturday/ROW players' Sunday morning
John (oneeyedjohn): your 7am local time, Sunday morning.
Jean (Bonalyau): your 8am local time, Sunday morning
Dave (Cygnus3000): your 7pm local time, Saturday evening
Jim (jimbech): your 4pm local time (PST), Saturday afternoon
But I'm disappointed to see that Match A has not taken place on schedule. It was due to start 3 hrs ago, I believe.
I'm sorry I wasn't around to help sort things out, and I have a report from Jim that the ROW team was not fully present... but no indication as to whether an alternate was sought, or if attempts were made to reach any co-captains. A post in the thread at least would have alerted our stand-by players (including Alcaucin, who was available at this time).
You all had a wide window of at least 4 hours, so I'm also wondering why that wasn't a first resort, and whether or not you can still play towards the end of that window. I do see 3 of you online currently.
Please post in the thread with a suggested plan. I do realize that Sunday is not easy for either of the US players.
You all have overlap on the schedule for weekdays, and Monday/Tuesday would still fit within our deadline for week 2 matches, so perhaps I can suggest that you play then if it's not possible to just get it done now:
Thus, in about 45 hours from now:
John (oneeyedjohn): your 8am local time, Tuesday morning.
Jean (Bonalyau): your 9am local time, Tuesday morning
Dave (Cygnus3000): your 8pm local time (EST), Monday evening
Jim (jimbech): your 5pm local time (PST), Monday afternoon
Thanks, Corwyn
******** Edit: I understand from Dave that you are actually scheduled to try again tomorrow at midnight UTC (4pm Sunday WGT time):
John (oneeyedjohn): your 7am local time, Monday morning.
Jean (Bonalyau): your 8am local time, Monday morning
Dave (Cygnus3000): your 7pm local time (EST), Sunday evening
Jim (jimbech): your 4pm local time (PST), Sunday afternoon
Again, I can't be online at that time, so please post here in the thread if you have problems, and note the Guidelines for using Alternates in the post below. Thanks!