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Fri, Jan 10 2014 10:52 AM (4 replies)
  • call60
    164 Posts
    Thu, Jan 9 2014 6:10 AM

    I play his game for fun. I spend m money on real golf equipment.I think tere should be tournament formats for people who just like to play  online   without competing with hose who spend money for best equipment rather than earning the credits. Kinda takes the fn out of the GAME!

  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Thu, Jan 9 2014 11:00 PM


    I play his game for fun. I spend m money on real golf equipment.I think tere should be tournament formats for people who just like to play  online   without competing with hose who spend money for best equipment rather than earning the credits. Kinda takes the fn out of the GAME!

    WGT does now have the ability to pick what equipment may be used, (they used starter equipment only in a relatively recent tournament) so keep an eye out for any more of those. It would be nice if WGT rolled that ability out to the Country Clubs, but I'd advise against holding your breath for that one.

    However, even if they introduce more of these tournaments, (not a bad idea btw, I wouldn't play as I hate starter kit, but I'd support the idea) you would still be up against experienced players, I've seen some of the scores those experienced players can return with the starter kit and frankly it frightens the beejeesus outa me and I'm a Legend with top line kit.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Thu, Jan 9 2014 11:53 PM

    Lots of people play this game without cash and still make Legend. Just use the offers, surveys and videos.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Jan 10 2014 12:07 AM

    There's lots of weekly and monthly tournaments open for free - why not play them? I did and I do, never having the equipment or the skills to contend. In one lucky moment, I became 5th - the only single digit standing in a public tournament.

    Nevertheless, it's fun! For the longest time I played for course awards, i.e. lowest personal score on each 18 hole course. The monthly unlimited tourneys gave plenty opportunities to practice the courses and to better the awards.

    I see no chance that WGT would inaugurate a second-best league - their interest is to sell the best equipment to those who want to be on top. Furtheron, there would be as many very talented players complying to such conditions and beating the sh*t out of any average competitor.


  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Fri, Jan 10 2014 10:52 AM

    I guess it is a shame that someone like me has all the good toys. I don't play credit tourneys or any play to win rounds. I have been here since day one for fun only. I have never done a single survey. Most of the clubs I have at this time have been gifts from fantastic friends. I have given hundreds of dollars of gifts to players since I started on WGT. We take care of each other. When I lost my job last March my friends made sure I was taken care of. Try to always remember the reason you are here. The friends, the fun, a chance to test yourself on a game that can bite you when you least expect it. Key word in this entire conversation is GAME. My key word is FRIENDS, and fun with my FRIENDS.
