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What do you get out of running a club?

Fri, Jan 24 2014 8:02 AM (30 replies)
  • Kurtsbuford
    7,592 Posts
    Wed, Jan 15 2014 9:08 AM



    Ya got me.  I'd see it as more of a headache than anything else.

    Most of the CCs I've seen are started by women.  They tend to have more brains.

    Corrected for accuracy. :-)

    Fkg LOL!!!!!!!!!!


  • reid72
    48 Posts
    Wed, Jan 15 2014 3:50 PM


    Wow.  Thanks for all the responses - that was way more info and much more detailed than I had expected.  I am glad I asked as I had no idea how involved would be to run a club.  

  • Hewsey
    1,958 Posts
    Wed, Jan 15 2014 4:44 PM

    This thread should also go into "best advise" that you would give a future or current CC owner.  For me it's you have to be on the site everyday to see that all is going smoothly & to make sure there are no complaints & or problems with the CC membership. I am a CC owner & I would be interested in other CC owners advise & suggestions.


  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Wed, Jan 15 2014 10:21 PM

    Our CC owner thinks his manhood has enlarged...I aint buying it

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Wed, Jan 15 2014 11:35 PM

    Frankly, I'd consider myself lucky to find a girlfriend that could keep up with me when watching Jeopardy on the couch

    I've read several of your recent posts, my friends niece got her G.E.D in prison if your ever in the area I'll hook you up...


  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Thu, Jan 16 2014 12:48 AM


    Frankly, I'd consider myself lucky to find a girlfriend that could keep up with me when watching Jeopardy on the couch

    I've read several of your recent posts, my friends niece got her G.E.D in prison if your ever in the area I'll hook you up...



  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Jan 16 2014 1:41 AM

    Most of the CCs I've seen are started by women.  They tend to have more free time.

    How to win friends and influence people. Someone please tell me we are not in the 1800's?

    As for the OP, a good CC owner will keep things fresh, by variety of comps and being innovative. Coupled with active members (both in playing and in the club forums) you have the making of a great club.

    Some top advice from some very good CC Owners - there are some great clubs on WGT but they are great because the owner is dedicated and their members participate in the CC's activities.

    Why people join a club and never play or participate is beyond me, but sadly this seems the norm (and I too am now guilty of that because of apathy at the club - but I am loyal because it is a friends club).

    If you do set a club up, set the parameters and criteria prospective players must meet (e.g. boot someone for not playing or constantly withdrawing). Above all make it fun, be innovative in your comps.

    Downsides are APATHY, hard work. lack of infrastructure and CC Owners tools (including a CC Fund) but can be offset by being successful. It is like life I suppose, you get out what you put in - male or female.


  • Priesum
    2,009 Posts
    Thu, Jan 16 2014 4:44 AM

    Spot on Alan - exactly what I would have said in my original reply, had I had enough time!


  • RemBeau
    2,515 Posts
    Thu, Jan 16 2014 5:48 AM

    Excellent comments on this Thread &  well said Alanti

    ""CC owner will keep things fresh, by variety of comps and being innovative. Coupled with active members (both in playing and in the club forums) you have the making of a great club.

    Some top advice from some very good CC Owners - there are some great clubs on WGT but they are great because the owner is dedicated and their members participate in the CC's activities."



    Here is an example of members that participate.  This is Diane (Lady Di) she is the administrator of our Forum :  


    As you could see, the reward is when a person like this ,support  the CC owner. :pouceup:


    On one of the round  of our Tourney Forum#1, she even took the  time to say Hi to participants.  :hihihi:



    Rembeau (Sherbrooke Country Club)

  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Thu, Jan 16 2014 6:56 AM

    +1  Alanti    ,And Remy(  Rembeau ).    A CC   must  have  members taking part in the organisation ,   Sad to say  it is not even 10%  of members that will involve themself . 90%  just want to play  and say they belong to a CC.  I came to beleive it is the norm for big CC with members all over the world.     But  the 10%  are the one making a CC what it is .  Thanks to them for that .......         To finish  my  bla bla bla ...... the longer a CC is on WGT with a owner present in all aspect of a CC , the better they become it is the case for the SCC.   I am a proud member of  the SCC  it is my secound family on WGT.           Members come and go  some come back ,but the best of the best  stay and become  a strong fundation, they are the one making the CC attractive to new WGT members..   And that is what an owner get out  of it                      Frapp