Actually KLamb, I understand what you are saying, but can also back up what the others are saying as well. I worked on golf course for about 6 or 7years as an asst supe, spray tech, irrigation tech and all around utility guy who could do almost all jobs around the course
I too notice the tire tracks in the fairways and attribute it to a large fertilizer rigs or spray rigs, or the areas of fairway that have been expanded, or aeration areas, top dressing etc. zi know other people notice it but not like someone who works GC maintenance. Its like when i would go golf at another course and my friends would be saying how nice it was and I would be pointing out every little thing wrong with it.
However, here's the deal. As they have said this is probably as realistic as you are going to get. As you mentioned in your op, its algorithms. At the end of the day its just a 2D game that uses mathematical equations to simulate real golf. Those equations have limits and can only do so much. The amazing world we live in has the ability to enact 100's if not 1000's of different variables into the game of golf and they are changing sometimes at all times. This game can only simulate a fraction of that. At the end of the day its just a little avatar that you control with a few clicks of a mouse. I know what you are saying about expecting things but the people who created this game probably never worked on a course and probably don't even play golf that much even if at all.
Take the game for what its worth. Its as close as you will get for now on a computer screen and there are a ton of really good people here with huge hearts that you can have a bunch of fun with when you don't have the time or energy to get out on a real course.
I gotta say if you are a supe and are only out on the course 5-6 days, it sounds pretty cushy to me. LOL! Just playin. My supe was out on the course and working 7 days a week
Feel free to friend me and invite me for a game. We can talk about nitrogen phosphorus and potassium