The 54 degree ATV if it is like the 54 degree Z-Satin TP that it replaced will hit full at 110 and it punches to 91.Only 10 yards gap between it and your Nike pitching wedge that is rated at 120. So no 2 clubs the same.
No matter what they make there will always be a gap somewhere.You can fill most of the gaps by using punch and or choking. Oh you could drop your 3 wood and carry 4 wedges but in the legend tier the 3 wood becomes needed much more than before. Many of us did just that until we made legend.I still do it at times at St. Andrews front 9 because most times you can reach #5 in 2 with your 3 iron or by punching your driver.
OMFG, really my nike pitching is rated at 120. Drop my 3 wood? Immediately off the top of my head there goes 3 par 3's and still I have not closed the gap I want. The new Nike 3 iron does not have the same NS yardage as the r11, the 3 wood is more essential with the nike irons then was with the r11.
OK peeps, I know you are trying to help, but only sweetiepie so far gets it. The nike PW punches at 103 also similar with the r11 and does the job just fine. It would fill a nice gap at 90, 75 and 60 after that, it would be a perfect setup. Same meter speed, same performance = perfect. As sweetie mentioned, there's already 5 pages of wedges and the 5th has plenty of room for more, kind of like golf town with less options.
They need 2/4 more either CLV 90 and 75, or ATV 90 and 60.
The options at lower levels is a problem as the meter speed drops significantly and the lack of spin makes the precise distance control harder for the recovery shots.
I'm not asking for them to get rid of the current options just add a few more.
Whatever peeps, just get behind this, it won't kill you.