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Fri, Jan 24 2014 7:45 PM (31 replies)
  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Fri, Jan 24 2014 5:17 AM

    I'm glad I never sold my Z Satin 60° 90 yard wedge back to WGT.  I've been 60-75-90 and punch PW for 100 for a long time now and it works great.  There are a couple elevated shots where I need to hit ~100 where the punch won't work well (BPB #2 front right pin at times) but there are many 90 yd shots I have covered.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Jan 24 2014 5:32 AM

    In the end I will likely move to the lower level clubs to get my desired distance gaps, but the higher level wedges are hard to beat for pitch, chipping, flopping and bunker play, and have the same meter speed as my other clubs, but I'm sure the lower level clubs can be learned again eventually.

    So let me get this straight-you want to give up precision and accuracy just so you can have a perfect 15 yard gap between clubs? Just for a 90 yard shot? Doesn't sound very practical to me. But then I'm not a gamer, I just golf.

  • slillico
    393 Posts
    Fri, Jan 24 2014 6:24 AM

    So let me get this straight-you want to give up precision and accuracy just so you can have a perfect 15 yard gap between clubs? Just for a 90 yard shot? Doesn't sound very practical to me. But then I'm not a gamer, I just golf.

    I have already tested the lower level clv, currently re-bought and sitting in the shed now,  I would not say they are imprecise for full shots, they do lack significantly for the recovery shots, but I would need some time for re-learning the recovery shots again with them, it's been a while, but they have a significantly different meter speed.

    But you are sortof right, but I do not wish to give up the precision for the yardage, hence the request. But if i found after re-learning the various recovery shots again that the precision difference was minimal, which presently I found is the case for full shots, then yes i might just go to the lower level wedges to get the distance gaps, but I would not do so at the cost of significant precision in the recovery shots.

    I did spend a little bit of time practicing the lower level clv for the recovery shots, not enough to make a determination 1 way or the other regarding precision yet, but the meter speed has me concerned enough that I might not do any further testing.

    Presently we are all giving up precision by the way for the 90 yard shot, assuming the wind, green or elevation does not allow for the ts punch, you have to drop power on the 100 to a point where precision goes down significantly unless you want to peel the skin off the ball with the clv but then we risk the brick stop dead shot as well where the spin does not go.

    Ideally the higher level clv at different yardages is the most efficient way to go, just there is no option to do so as of yet.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Fri, Jan 24 2014 6:45 AM

    92% of a 100 yarder will get you there. 

  • slillico
    393 Posts
    Fri, Jan 24 2014 6:57 AM


    92% of a 100 yarder will get you there. 

    LMAO, see if anyone can guess this acronym (NSS)

    All kidding aside, that gets me 94 yards with a NS CLV shot, not sure about you, but I cannot exactly say 12 foot putts are considered a tap in for me.

    Look please do not make the assumption I do not know how to presently hit a 90 yard shot, if that's the impression I'm giving with this request then I'm screwed and it would be entirely more helpful if someone could clearly state the syntax required to get the request clearly comprehended.

    Maybe it's the audience, who knows, but dropping power to 90% on any full shot is a fools game.

    Thank you


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Fri, Jan 24 2014 7:33 AM

    You get deviation on any shot whether you go down the shaft or not. Unless you expect 300 clubs, one for each shot, then you've got to have some give and take. If you had a 90 yard wedge what would you do if your first shot is 80 yards? Whatever distance clubs you have the distance to the pin will always fall in between them.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Fri, Jan 24 2014 7:54 AM


    more helpful if someone could clearly state the syntax required to get the request clearly comprehended.

    Maybe it's the audience, who knows, but dropping power to 90% on any full shot is a fools game.

    I do hear ya Sli.  That 90 yard shot is always a bit thoughtful, but really not by much.  I also never have anything against choice for people.  If I looked at my bag though I would be thinking would I go that route and gotta say no as it stands.  If I swapped out my 100yard wedge for a 90 I would be moving the problem to around the 105 - 10 mark I envisage.  I say that having not really given the  VR PW a real work out with the punched shot to enough greens admittedly.  From the little I did see rolling up the PW when punched you get run out whereas the cleve up to 107 (very least) is drop dead bang on.  I do not use a full shot with the PW  below 110 yards feeling it is at the edge of what it likes to do exactly by then.

    See your point, but the proposal looks to be moving a hardly there problem along the track just long enough to a point where it be slightly more there.

    Saying all that I might go test out the 99 - 110 yard shot options that would be left to replace what I currently have, but my gut feel is that 90 yard wedge may be more creating more issues than it solves.

    Like I say though never against more choice though.

    Ideally I would like the option to swap out my PW. Now that said I do quite like the new VR PW, but even now would like the "option" to use the CG52 instead when I wanted.  That's going off in to other more difficult realms though, and not the exact discussion here really, just that the extra choice to adjust things all round (like IRL) might make me look at my existing usual wedge set up more........I am off on too much of a not gonna happen anyway tangent now anyway.......

  • slillico
    393 Posts
    Fri, Jan 24 2014 8:03 AM


    You get deviation on any shot whether you go down the shaft or not. Unless you expect 300 clubs, one for each shot, you've got to have some some give and take. If you had a 90 yard wedge what would you do if your first shot is 80 yards?

    "You get deviation on any shot whether you go down the shaft or not" but it gets progressively worse the farther "down the shaft" you go.

    Its a fools game to go below 92% power IMHO.

    But in answering your example:

    FTS 100% power 75 might leave me pretty close, choke 92% 90, punch something maybe another option. Options are more if given the right yardage gaps which is my point behind the request.

    Presently the current gaps are leaving some gaps depending on wind, elevation and green whereby less then 92% power is required and as already stated several times that's a fools game.

    What exactly is your motivation behind the resistance to the request?

    I have tried to clearly communicate my reasoning behind this request, I just cannot understand, nor has anyone clearly communicated their reasoning to their opposition.



  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Fri, Jan 24 2014 8:10 AM

    I don't mind what clubs are available to you but if you don't go below 92% on any shot then you are missing out. I go to 30% and my wedge stats aren't too shabby.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Jan 24 2014 8:11 AM

    LMAO, see if anyone can guess this acronym (NSS)

    LOL. Dr. Watson clued me in. ;-)

    IMO, and this is strictly mine based on how you're going about things, you're making your life/game difficult by trying to be so exact. You'll have a whole lot better success rate if you just pick a setup and stick with it, learning every foible about it in the process. This includes the ball. It's not like you're playing your way up to the best equipment, you're already there. Use the best and learn them.

    The more you play with the same clubs, the better you get because your comparisons from day-to-day play will make sense. They won't if you're switching around setups. With the way conditions change daily you'll never know if it was the game or the clubs.

    On the meter speeds, one of the absolute best things that changed for me when the Nikes came out was that the meter speed matched from the 3W down to the 64W. That alone has afforded me a consistency I never had because now I'm not having to think about the swings. Playing the same setup day in and day out really makes a difference.