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WGT's Lobby Appearance

Tue, Jan 28 2014 6:20 PM (83 replies)
  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Mon, Jan 27 2014 12:21 PM

    real men......................

    and Marge.....................


  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Mon, Jan 27 2014 4:43 PM

    Well I caught hell from a long time friend so I will just shut the hell up. I didn't mean to hurt any feelings or get anyone upset.

    Renni out.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Jan 27 2014 6:58 PM

    My bad Renn, 

    Apologize for my 1st sentence in my reply to the PMS quote..

    You caught the ass end of my 'red mist' last night, more directed at hillbilly BOY.

    No-one would dare to speak to Lisa like that IRL and I sure as hell won't allow it on some website...

    Especially coming from a moonshine swigging, pill popping, brain addled, wanna be Daniel Boone !!


  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Jan 27 2014 7:03 PM

    .you might not Break a SWEAT...but I'LL break your Jaw.

    LMAO,  YOU couldn't  break a YORKIE BAR if you fell on it.

  • rmchangin
    1,327 Posts
    Mon, Jan 27 2014 7:52 PM


    My bad Renn, 

    Apologize for my 1st sentence in my reply to the PMS quote..

    You caught the ass end of my 'red mist' last night, more directed at hillbilly BOY.

    No-one would dare to speak to Lisa like that IRL and I sure as hell won't allow it on some website...

    Especially coming from a moonshine swigging, pill popping, brain addled, wanna be Daniel Boone !!


    hey go put some Midget porn on and go play with your left hand known as Lisa...quit trying to high jack this Post ...attention whore

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Jan 27 2014 8:19 PM

    .I dont troll for hours on the forums to find someone i can insult to make myself feel better ABOUT my sorry LIFE like you and AL.....i go out and kill things...... then eat them...

    Pity the muzzle is always pointed in the wrong direction  !

    Damn pain pills bum me out sometimes and the whole world looks bleak.....

    It's a sunny World out there..lay off the pharmaceuticals for a couple of days and get a fresh perspective...

    Surely an 'ole war horse' such as yourself can take the pain for that long ?

    Yeee Haaaw

  • rmchangin
    1,327 Posts
    Mon, Jan 27 2014 10:08 PM

    Hey Adam, truthfully your really pathetic little loser living in mommy and daddy's basement in Hackensack...your so paranoid you hide behind fake profiles, this one being from Spain so you can TRY to BULLY people on the Internet....getting are a little pathetic worm...You have already screwed up Steves Post so why dont you wiggle way back down your worm hole and slither away....your a waste of time and space. 

  • alexk345
    1,148 Posts
    Tue, Jan 28 2014 12:01 AM

    i want a lobby for different tier. So i can post for challenge.

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Tue, Jan 28 2014 1:22 AM

    So I'm winding down and started reading this thread ... and I come across this brutal assault  directed to a female ...




    So do I click the right tit for main menu  or is that stroke play, tricky chice. 

    Class response,

      There are too many boys and not enough men in this world.


    so let me get this right, if some one tries to inject a little humor in, THERE a boy? I for one come here to escape all the real world BS..cut loose a bit...I will tell you i served my country for four years and I"M NO BOY....but i do like too cut up...Maybe YOU need to lighten up a Bit...before you shoot off your mouth like that in the real world and some BOY stomp a muddle puddle in your butt.

    First off ... it's "someone" and "THEY'RE" (the second grammatical error was pointed out by Paul). 

    The funny thing was, the comment wasn't directed at you, yet you took offense ... is that how you usually treat women?  Going to unleash a whippin' on a female, "BOY"!  US Military does not give you the right to insult and threaten a female.  The fact that you would even consider striking a female just chaps my hide.  And you call Andy a worm ... what does that make you?  Worm excrement?
    Lisa is my better half ( we weren't going to broadcast it till she was TL, she doesn't like confrontation or accusations )
    Kudos to you, Andy for sticking up for your GF ... maybe you could teach RM some manners!

    so you can TRY to BULLY people on the Internet

    Seems a bit backwards, RM ... the bully here is you.  Andy is merely defending his gal from the likes of you!  


    RM ... I think it's time you reread what started this whole mess ... then, show me the US Military taught you some manners by apologizing to Lisa and all females on this site.  And while you're at it, apologize to Andy as well.  I commend Andy for coming to Lisa's rescue.  And RM, I personally have no respect for a man who would threaten to do bodily harm to any female.  In my opinion, you're a disgrace to the men and women who have served in the military!  I don't care if you won a Purple Heart ... threatening a woman is something a man should never do!  I have absolutely no respect for any man that would treat a woman that way!  

  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Tue, Jan 28 2014 4:13 AM


     ... threatening a woman is something a man should never do!  I have absolutely no respect for any man that would treat a woman that way!  


    Sweeping generalisations aren't always appropriate.

    Some illumination;

    up until two weeks ago I would have agreed with that statement above wholeheartedly. Then one day an adult female who is important to me decided to try and jump out our window (we live on the 20th floor), she was half out of the window when her friend grabbed her arm and stopped her going all the way. I had a half second to make a decision; there was no room to grab her and if I grabbed her friend I might pull this friend off her and let her fall, at this moment in time she put her head back in the window to shout at the friend to let go ...... I made my decision, I swung an open palm left hand and knocked her back into the flat.

    That is the only time I've EVER hit a woman and I'm not proud of it, but in that moment it was the only thing I could think of, this person is now alive and well, without that action I am pretty sure she would not be alive.

    So please, unless you really do mean what you say, be careful with sweeping generalisations.