Jimbog1964:1. WW2 - I come from Battle of Britain territory in Southern England. Any one knocks what those young men to protect the last bastion of democracy against the Nazi war machine during that time is either insane, an idiot or a disgrace.
I wouldn't care if the guy was given the Metal of Honor for killing Hitler ... he does not have the right to threaten a female with physical violence. War is a terrible thing. It forces men to kill and yes, even changes their psyche. But we're not at war. A man should never threaten a woman, EVER! There's no excuse for what was said to Lisa. RM owes Lisa an apology, plain and simple. Whether he believes Lisa is "Andy in drag" or not, he threatened physical violence against a woman on this post.
DK there were two separate and distinct parts to my post dealing with two very separate and distinct aspects of the thread. This first part has nothing to do with the threatening women part. Please read my second part again where I agreed with you entirely:)
If RM feels there is an issue with Andy (not shared by me at all for clarity) one thing, but meant or not against women (latter as now stated) what was said was wrong, very wrong. It did come across as threatening to women, and that is wrong.
If RM knows women he should realise some do not step forward to deal with this crap forthrightly, and why should they or feel they should even enter in to this crap. Saying if she were real she would have spoken is flawed, and also very wrong to even think of putting that on some one.