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WGT's Lobby Appearance

Tue, Jan 28 2014 6:20 PM (83 replies)
  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Tue, Jan 28 2014 9:00 AM


    Without naming names, I received a request to show a game client window with men in the background dressed only in a thong or speedo.

    Due to the content of the photo, I am only posting a link.

    By clicking on the link below you swear to VEM you are 18 yrs old or older.

    New Game Client Background:  Men in Speedos


    Alright Andy ... in an attempt to get this thread back on track ... you show physically fit women in bikinis ... then flatulent-ridden fat dudes in speedos .... where's the equality? 


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Tue, Jan 28 2014 9:03 AM

    .look back Lisa NEVER posted again NOT once....PEOPLE WAKE UP

    Why would she,she made her point and most folk then agreed with it. End of story. Man up, macho man, you were well out of order.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Tue, Jan 28 2014 9:10 AM



    Without naming names, I received a request to show a game client window with men in the background dressed only in a thong or speedo.

    Due to the content of the photo, I am only posting a link.

    By clicking on the link below you swear to VEM you are 18 yrs old or older.

    New Game Client Background:  Men in Speedos


    Alright Andy ... in an attempt to get this thread back on track ... you show physically fit women in bikinis ... then flatulent-ridden fat dudes in speedos .... where's the equality? 


    I kinda prefer Andy's latest one...makes me look fit!

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Tue, Jan 28 2014 9:20 AM

    but as here you never see lisa post again....I have Been Married twice I KNOW pissed off women.....any normal women would have responded to MY post

    Yeah ... you pissed me off.  In most cases, when I run across tasteless threads like this, I just feel a guy is letting off steam and log it in my memory banks to "avoid that one".  But I came across your threat of physical violence and chose to see where this went.  When I saw this battle of words, when you were clearly in the wrong, I had to stand up for my sisters.  

    I don't care if you believe Lisa is Andy in drag.  IMO, you threatened violence on a female, and you owe her an apology!  Whether she reads it or not isn't the point.  No man has the right to threaten physical violence on a woman!  PERIOD!!!!!


  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Tue, Jan 28 2014 9:22 AM


    1. WW2 - I come from Battle of Britain territory in Southern England.  Any one knocks what those young men to protect the last bastion of democracy against the Nazi war machine during that time is either insane, an idiot or a disgrace.

    I wouldn't care if the guy was given the Metal of Honor for killing Hitler ... he does not have the right to threaten a female with physical violence.  War is a terrible thing.  It forces men to kill and yes, even changes their psyche.  But we're not at war.  A man should never threaten a woman, EVER!  There's no excuse for what was said to Lisa.  RM owes Lisa an apology, plain and simple.  Whether he believes Lisa is "Andy in drag" or not, he threatened physical violence against a woman on this post.

    DK there were two separate and distinct parts to my post dealing with two very separate and distinct aspects of the thread.  This first part has nothing to do with the threatening women part.  Please read my second part again where I agreed with you entirely:)  

    If RM feels there is an issue with Andy (not shared by me at all for clarity) one thing, but meant or not against women (latter as now stated) what was said was wrong, very wrong.  It did come across as threatening to women, and that is wrong.

    If RM knows women he should realise some do not step forward to deal with this crap forthrightly, and why should they or feel they should even enter in to this crap. Saying if she were real she would have spoken is flawed, and also very wrong to even think of putting that on some one.      

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Tue, Jan 28 2014 9:22 AM

    I kinda prefer Andy's latest one...makes me look fit!

    So you don't look anything like your avatar, Bags?  Fantasy deflated, big time!

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Tue, Jan 28 2014 9:30 AM

    Please read my second part again where I agreed with you entirely:)  

    I did, Jimbog. I'm going to drop this here as we're now closing in on 1 million miles off base with where the thread started.

    Where's my pic of svelte guys in Speedos, Professor?

  • rmchangin
    1,327 Posts
    Tue, Jan 28 2014 9:56 AM

    This isn't my first rodeo with these two accounts . I used to go to forums post and try to stay in touch with everything going on and about 8 months ago every time i posted one or the other of these accounts had something insulting to say..the fight would break out and the Post would get side tracked....after getting a few nasty messages from people upset that there Posts got sidetrack  ...i just quit coming here....the only reason i came here for this Post was to support a Country Club Buddie who asked all of us to come and post to try to get WGT to do something for us....Kat i'm sorry to You...but i know it's Andys second account there's no infinitive way to prove.....but there are just too many red flags..... 

  • filmslayer
    2,341 Posts
    Tue, Jan 28 2014 10:03 AM

    reading this thread just confirms why i don't come here much any more . i for one am so tired of political correctness bullchit ...

  • rmchangin
    1,327 Posts
    Tue, Jan 28 2014 10:14 AM


    oooooohhhh just logged in...I shouldn't say anything but when has that ever stopped me ?

    To put my next remarks into context..

    Lisa is my better half ( we weren't going to broadcast it till she was TL, she doesn't like confrontation or accusations ) as all in her 1st CC know, a few of whom are now my friends after a rocky start over multi accusations or that she was me or I was her.....she started real well but if I may be so bold..she had a great mentor !

    but all that was sorted with Icon / WGT months back. And tbh as much as I like WGT, there are not enough hours in the day for one person to get to L93 & L96, 3000 some Alt, 2000 + RR in that short space of time.

    ^^ Not being defensive, just trying to preempt the inevitable from the Plebeians.


    this is the first red flag....If someone spoke to my girl friend like that i would be damned if i would explain myself like this......My response would have been more on the lines of Who the EF do you think you are.....not ANDY   first he has to assure everyone even tho he been accused in the past.....THIS NOT MY SECOND ACCOUNT.....

    Second red flag Why no response form Lisa....come on ....Kat if i said something like that to you you wouldn't say one thing?.......I know and you know you would have come back at me with both barrels blazing...

    Come on people doesn't take an IQ 150 to connect the dots here...