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RG Time

Sun, Feb 16 2014 5:34 PM (18 replies)
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  • slillico
    393 Posts
    Fri, Jan 31 2014 11:48 AM

    When are you WGT going to go back to a much more reasonable 3 hour timer to complete the RG, if you happen to be last to enter.

    And when are people going to realize that waiting for the last possible minute to play it provides no advantage, that was a stupid rumor, and removes all possibility of a chance at a win in the event there is a tie for 1rst.

  • BolloxInBruges
    1,389 Posts
    Fri, Jan 31 2014 12:21 PM

    I doubt people intentionally wait until the last minute to play it.  For me personally I might sign up for 10 RGs, decide after 5 that I'm playing poorly, or something comes up where I'm unable to do the rest, and end up doing them the following morning as the timer is nearing expired.


  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Fri, Jan 31 2014 2:20 PM

    Agree with BIB, when I have waited till the last minute it wasn't done intentionally because i thought somehow it would give me a better result.Can't speak for others, as maybe there are those that have that belief, just like maybe there are some that believe by entering and play as quick as possible they have a better chance. Probably all just urban legends.

    In fact you have a built in disadvantage if you wait to play your RG til the last minute.  The countback system will punish you should you tie for first place. If all scores are equal, hole by hole, they give the win to the person who posted the score first, so being prompt pays off from time to time

    There are just certain RGs that I prefer over others and I like to get in as many rotations of that RG as I can, so there are times when I will sign up for them, even tho I can't play at that time and come back later, knowing I have the 12 hour window.

    That being said, I don't actually disagree with you. I think things would move along faster and more people might participate in some of the RGs if they closed sooner. I think on stroke play that 3 hours is a bit tight.  maybe you do 4 or 5 hours for 9 holers and 7 or 8 hours for 18 holers.

    So even tho I have almost maxed out the time clock a few times, I still think it would help if they shortened

  • slillico
    393 Posts
    Fri, Jan 31 2014 2:21 PM

    I guess I'm just 1 of the suckers who feeds the pot, I do not wait for the last minute, I play it when clicked on, whether I'm 2nd in or 48th, I do not go server fishing, I take whatever server wgt gives me and I do not have nor use 6 year old versions of flash.

    But it's annoying as hell to wait sometimes 2 days or more for it to fill, then have to wait another 12 hours for it to pay out.

    Surely at some point in the 2 days it takes to fill most people can find the time to play it.

    I know whats going on, but do people also kick their balls out of the rough when they play RLG if no one is looking.

    Just play the dam game the way they give it to us.

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Fri, Jan 31 2014 6:44 PM


    I guess I'm just 1 of the suckers who feeds the pot, I do not wait for the last minute, I play it when clicked on, whether I'm 2nd in or 48th, I do not go server fishing, I take whatever server wgt gives me and I do not have nor use 6 year old versions of flash.

    But it's annoying as hell to wait sometimes 2 days or more for it to fill, then have to wait another 12 hours for it to pay out.

    Surely at some point in the 2 days it takes to fill most people can find the time to play it.

    I know whats going on, but do people also kick their balls out of the rough when they play RLG if no one is looking.

    Just play the dam game the way they give it to us.

    I agree mate 3 hours is plenty enough time to play a round. Excuses mate are like azzholes...... everyone has one.

    If you can not play the round after you entered the tourney...... then do not enter it..... simple huh??

    We were talking about this in another thread,,,, seems CTTH ready gos closed in 3 hours after full. What is different about a stroke play event??

    12 hours is downright pitiful. No excuse for having to take that long to play. If so you need to find another game to play.

  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Fri, Jan 31 2014 8:13 PM

    I guess I'm just 1 of the suckers who feeds the pot, I do not wait for the last minute, I play it when clicked on, whether I'm 2nd in or 48th, I do not go server fishing, I take whatever server wgt gives me and I do not have nor use 6 year old versions of flash.

    Haven't a clue if you are a sucker or not, only you would know that and not even sure why Im responding to this other than I actually agreed with you lot but was just trying to point out that not everyone is doing it intentionally

    I don't know, maybe you can't sit in front of this computer and have nothing in your real life happen, like job, family, or whatever. Haven't got a clue as to what server fishing is. I play when i can and sometimes I do well and sometimes I don't. I haven't played real golf in years and last time i checked there wasn't a foot wedge in the bag.

    If it aint WGT effin somebody than its another player with some on here. I still agree with you that 12 hours is excesive, just trying to say not everyone is signing up for ready gos saying let me make slillico wait cuz man that is why i enter RGs, to make him wait.  I don't even know when you enter the same ones as me. I just do my thing and if I win, awesome, if I lose then sobeit and if i get caught on count back then shame on me.

    I guess at the end of the day if you don't like the system then don't play ready gos

  • 0000rb3
    270 Posts
    Fri, Jan 31 2014 9:36 PM

         I am fairly new here, but I think that they should make it that when you sign up for shoot it. It should take you straight to the first tee box right then.

         I have seen, and still see in some lower tiers a couple of players that ALWAYS wait till the last hour or so and ALWAYS shoot one or two strokes better than everyone else. It is actually kind of funny, because they also wait on each other I think. Look at the recent Masters Ready gos...two players are always at the top on the 18s...and they always turn in scores in the last hour or so. I have always thought that this is very "fishy". They seem to be able to shoot whatever they need at will. If they need to beat 63, they shoot 62 or 61....59 is top score, that's ok i can put in a 58 no problem. They have wised up and stopped shooting 57s and 58s all the time...guess they like the Master they just shoot exactly whats needed...EVERY TIME. I sure wish I could do that!! LOL

    Sorry for going off topic a bit.

  • slillico
    393 Posts
    Fri, Jan 31 2014 9:49 PM

    I don't know, maybe you can't sit in front of this computer and have nothing in your real life happen, like job, family, or whatever. Haven't got a clue as to what server fishing is. I play when i can and sometimes I do well and sometimes I don't. I haven't played real golf in years and last time i checked there wasn't a foot wedge in the bag.

    No there are oodles of people signing up and purposely trying to be the last to post a score, rumor has it that the VEM for the RG is easiest at that point.

    It's a crock of crap that I will have time later excuse, how exactly does that happen without constantly monitoring the RG, as they all fill at different speeds.

    Its a dumb rumor, it's a dumber to do it, and it's holding up the whole process.

    Only fix unfortunately is to shorten the timer.

    I was not directly directing my comments at you, not sure why you went on the offensive, unless it hit a nerve or something.

    As gerald says, just freaken play it or don't, if you don't have time, don't enter it, I'm sure the same RG would be available to play within 12 hours when you have more time, but then you won't be last to post a score I guess. Everyone can't be last to post a score, it's just plain stupid.

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Fri, Jan 31 2014 10:03 PM


    I don't know, maybe you can't sit in front of this computer and have nothing in your real life happen, like job, family, or whatever. Haven't got a clue as to what server fishing is. I play when i can and sometimes I do well and sometimes I don't. I haven't played real golf in years and last time i checked there wasn't a foot wedge in the bag.

    No there are oodles of people signing up and purposely trying to be the last to post a score, rumor has it that the VEM for the RG is easiest at that point.

    It's a crock of crap that I will have time later excuse, how exactly does that happen without constantly monitoring the RG, as they all fill at different speeds.

    Its a dumb rumor, it's a dumber to do it, and it's holding up the whole process.

    Only fix unfortunately is to shorten the timer.

    I was not directly directing my comments at you, not sure why you went on the offensive, unless it hit a nerve or something.

    As gerald says, just freaken play it or don't, if you don't have time, don't enter it, I'm sure the same RG would be available to play within 12 hours when you have more time, but then you won't be last to post a score I guess. Everyone can't be last to post a score, it's just plain stupid.

    Yes mate you are correct. Bottom line is like said.... you want to play... sit down and play. If not..... don't sit down and press the enter button... simple again huh??

    Got something else to do..... do it.... don't hit the enter Really if you sit back and think about it..... i could come up with a excuse for anything.... huh??

    Figure i have not been playing ready gos all that long now. One thing i have noticed though...... when a particular ready go is taking forever to close....especially when there is only like 5 left to play....... i know exactly who is holding up the

    Same mofo's every friggen time.  Yup... then figure same ones every time,,,, so must not be a excuse then. I would say at that point done on The i was busy doing something else excuse don't fly after you do it a million times.......lmao!

    Did anybody cry wolf???

    Very interesting to say the least. 

    Shame this ain't the PGA Tour.... would be getting penalty for slow play.  :)

  • Steve2golf
    930 Posts
    Wed, Feb 12 2014 6:40 AM

    Same mofo's every friggen time.  Yup... then figure same ones every time,,,, so must not be a excuse then. I would say at that point done on The i was busy doing something else excuse don't fly after you do it a million times.......lmao!

    It does seem to work, almost every single ready go I have ever entered, and there have been a ton of them, someone always rolls in within the last 30 - 60 minutes and wins it, or very very close.

    Same thing happens in the big events, the last minute players usually rolling in and obliterating the course during the single play portion.

    I could join the club and wait for the last minute as well, but sorry, no can do, life gets in the way.

    So I guess if you have the time to watch closely, and there's proven success to the practice of waiting till the last minute, makes some sense to wait till the last minute to play the big events and the rg's.

    So unless WGT comes to their senses, then there will always be less entries to the rg's, they will take longer to fill, and as more and more players become aware of the obvious success to be gained by waiting for the last minute, the rg's will become less and less popular and played far less.

    But not the first time I scratched my head at some decisions implemented by the company, likely not the last either.

    By the way, I'm in favour of the 3 hour timer, but I'm in favour of any decision that would get more players to the rg's, seems like a lonely position on the matter though, but given what I already described, I can see why.

    And if it's evidence you want, just look at the TL RG's, they take weeks and months to fill.

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